Hades is Not the Grave

One of the mistakes people make is say that Hades/ Sheol just means the grave. That is not true.

The grave/ tomb is not Sheol. Sheol does not mean grave or tomb. Sheol is the place of the Unseen.
Upon Death (Before Christ and His Resurrection):
  • spirit (God's breath) goes to God (Heaven)
  • Soul descends to Hades and Sheol (Aidos - Unseen)
  • Body goes to dust/ Tombs (mnÄ“meiois (Greek);and Graves ( queber (Hebrew))

The word for Grave is different from Sheol

  1. Souls are said to go DOWN (descend) to Hades. (You would not abandon my soul in Hades - Acts 2:27,31). Nothing is ever said to go down to the tomb. There are many tombs/ graves. There was only one Sheol.
  2.  The soul is not immortal. Living soul does not mean immortality
  3. The body goes to grave/ tomb
  4. the soul goes to Sheol (before Christ).
  5. After Christ's resurrection, (ascension and destruction of Jerusalem), all who believe in Christ do not go to Sheol/ Hades. The gates of Hades were obliterated by Christ and the Church. It does not prevail against the church.

The soul is the you.. the mind, emotion, will. It is the Hebraic way of saying when you died, you disappear to the unseen realm as if you never existed.

This was the Hebraic way to help bring explanation to these things. To them, the soul the real you, goes into nothingness... some unseen dark place under the earth. It is just to describe that when you die, you went into a black hole, never to emerge.

This is why Christ's resurrection is so powerful. He is the Resurrection and the Life and though we die physically, we LIVE. We will NEVER DIE. We will never see Sheol or go to the Black Hole. We go straight to where He is.


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