The Cross' Universal Impact

The Cross’ Universal Impact

  • All men have sinned and fall short - universal
  • First Known Judgment - In Adam all die - universal
  • Final Judgment from God’s Supreme Court - But In Christ all died (not just the elect, not just the church, not just believers) [2 Cor 5:14] - universal
  • In Christ everything reconciled, whether in heaven, or on earth, by making peace on the cross - universal [Col 1:19-20; 2 Cor 5:19]
  • If In Adam all died (and subsequently in Christ all died: 2 Cor 5:15), In Christ all shall be made alive - universal (each in his own order; faith is needed) [1 Cor 15:22-23]
  • yet now all are NOT alive right now (Non-universal in time) [2 Cor 5: 14]
  • How? Works Lower Level Court Judgment - All men raised. Again ALL MEN are raised - some to life and some to condemnation (universal raising) [John 5:28-29]
  • Yet all men would be seasoned with fire - universal [Mark 9:49]
  • In Christ all subject under his feet - universal -1 (All except God the father) [1 Cor 15:27]
  • In Christ every knee worship, every tongue swears (what the Father swore) that Jesus is Lord (on, Above or Under the earth) - universal
  • In Christ all creation set free - universal [Rom 8:21]
  • Out of Him, through Him and back to Him are all things - universal [Rom 11:36]
  • In the fullness of time, Christ is and will be the sum of all things gathered in Heaven and Earth [Col 1:10] - universal
  • God all in all - universal


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