Comparing Christ's Death and Adam's Death process:

When Adam died all men died -

Death is the process that starts with soul corrupted by sin, the loss of the ability to breathe by the Spirit, being only sustained by his own breath, and ends with body going to grave, to dust at the expiration of his breath and his soul lost/ perish in Hades (at least before Christ).

Death is corruption and separation. The soul lost seemingly forever in Hades, as if never existed, spirit goes back to God and Body in dust.

When Adam offended, his offense cause his soul to be corrupted. This corrupted all men. Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin... "For if by the one man’s offense many died,"

When Christ died, he freed man from sin and the Sin of Adam.

"For he who has died has been freed from sin"....

When Christ died, the reverse occurred.

While Adam's death is corruption and separation, that is the soul lost in Hades, spirit goes back to God and Body in dust;

Christ's death is much more powerful.

Christ's death is instead INCORRUPTION and RECONCILIATION.

The soul is found, removed from Sheol, made righteous (righteousness is the antidote of sin), the spirit joins becomes one with the Spirit of God, like a marriage, and the Spirit quickens the mortal body, with corruption being swallowed up by incorruption.

Comparing Christ's Death and Adam's Death process:

  1. Adam's soul corrupted by sin; Christ was the incorruptible seed. Righteousness is the opposite and antidote of sin.
  2. Adam was left to be sustained by his breath alone; Christ was sustained by the Spirit, the Breath of God. The Spirit quickened his mortal body.
  3. Adam's body went to the grave and his soul perish in Sheol/ Hades; Christ's body went to the grave/tomb, soul went to Sheol, not destined to stay there, and was promised to not suffer corruption.
  4. When Adam died, sin entered into the world and death through sin, and death spread to all men; When Christ died, righteousness entered into the world, Life through righteousness, old man was crucified, and life spread and is spreading to all men, who believe through His righteousness.
"when Adam sinned, he died spiritually not physical. He lost the HS that God breathed into him. He lost that fellowship he enjoyed with God and was cast away from God's presence. Jesus restored that fellowship to those are born of the Spirit."

There is no such thing as dying spiritually... the death process kicked in, and his soul actually died, 930 years after.

No scripture defines death as casting away from the garden or lost fellowship with God.

There is no phrase spiritual death is the bible.

"why was Adam sent from the garden " so that he does not eat of the tree of life in his corrupted state. It was an act of mercy.

He had fellowship with God outside the Garden. God even covered him, and gave him a son to replace Abel. No scripture said he lost fellowship. Please find it for me.

See ROM 8:5-14. Man's sin brings death(spiritual), separation from God <-- you inserted the word spiritual there.

On the day he ate, his soul was corrupted by sin. Sin entered the world. Death through sin. His soul was IMMEDIATELY affected. His body followed suit 930 years later. Death means incorruption and separation.

"who were dead in trespasses and sins" that's all it says. Again, the bible never uses the term spiritual death.

It just meant as I said before everyone souls were corrupted by sin. We were all dead in that sense in trespasses and sin... even before we were physically dead. The corruption is defined as "we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, " <-- that's the soul.

God still deals with us even in that state.

He dealt with this soul corruption, us being dead in trespasses and sin by making us "alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" <-- a fancy way of saying we no longer belong beneath, in Sheol, but we belong and are with him in heavenly places, above as He is above. He made us alive by making us righteous, halting the corruption. The rest of Ephesians talked about not succumbing to the corruption where he mentioned the old man, let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth etc.

There is only one death... It's mortality. (well technically there is a second death)

Death is the process that starts with soul corrupted by sin, the loss of the ability to breathe by the Spirit, being only sustained by one's own breath, and ends with body going to grave, to dust at the expiration of his breath and the soul lost/ perish in Hades (at least before Christ).

Again soul corrupted by sin = dead in trespasses and sin. It's all part of the SAME death process. There is no physical death and spiritual death.

Without Christ, we are all subjected to the same death spiral.

Life is the process that starts with Christ's death reversing the corruption and separation, our souls made righteous (sin's antidote), receiving and being sustained by the Spirit, continual sanctification of our souls, and continues, after physical death, our soul not lost/ perish in Hades, and the receiving of immortality, where mortality is swallowed up by immortality and corruption by incorruption.


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