God Is Willing that Everyone is Saved. But It will Not Happen. Too Bad

God is willing that everyone is saved. But in His foreknowledge He knows most will turn down the free gift.

Oh  Really?

I thought in his foreknowledge that "Out of Him, Through Him and Back to Him are all things" [Rom 11:36];

I thought in His foreknowledge that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world, so that mystery of His will and ALL OF REALITY is revealed, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself.

That unveiling of the mystery is that in the management of the ages, and time and reality, He might gather together in one, in Him (a mathematical construct which means all things summed in Him, like the law is summed up in one commandment), all things both in heaven and which are on earth - in Him [Eph 1:9-10]

As part of that mystery, during time, while all things go THROUGH Him, there will be distress, death, perishing, shaming, etc., but He is determined that all things come back to Him and are summed up in Christ.

Hence He began that process with being slain from the foundation of the earth BEFORE Adam sinned, and He started the process by reconciling all things in heaven and earth [Col 1:20], the same all things he created, and the same all things by whom He consist.

So where in scripture did He give up or foreknew that most will turn down the free gift?

If that was so, we better start aborting a lot of babies before they get wise and turn down the free gift. At least they will make it to heaven. We should stop populating the earth. That would be more merciful than waiting for someone to seal their fate by turning down the free gift.

Would people reject Him? Yes.... but even Israel rejected Him, yet God used the rejection at Jordan to declare, this was nothing, compared to the goal of filling the earth with His Glory, when Moses was worried about how will it look when it was made known that Israel came out of Egypt only to not enter the land.

Rejection, death, corruption, perishing is nothing for God, who eats death for breakfast and the One who loves to find what is Lost (apollumi/ perished)

For those who "accept Him" now, you get uninterrupted life, life of the ages, eternal life and rewarded with immortality first... you reign and rule with Him. You get rewarded.

Those who reject, you suffer loss, you perish, you are ruined, you are put to shame.

But at the end of the day, all things will go back to Him, and every knee worship [bow] and every tongue swears, exactly what He swore that, salvation is when all tongues confess. Hence He can declare, "Turn to me and be Saved" and swear that it will occur.
This was one of the few times He swore on His throne.

Paul expanded that to include, above the earth, on the earth and under the earth.

Salvation as defined by God is when every knee bows and every tongue confesses... and death never aborts the confession process


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