Kingdom Community Leadership Dynamics

How do you follow the biblical example of appointing Elders/Pastors in every church?

Answer: By adopting plural leadership within a Kingdom community and encouraging all Kingdom communities under your influence to follow suit.

Here is an example structure utilizing the Principles of multiple eldership.

The Principle of Kings, Priests, Prophets in the OT is exactly where Paul got his revelation from.

In addition we see in the Book of Acts, an administration team formed to feed others.

Principle: Kings and Priests as sustainable authority. You need Team ministry.

Action: You need to Have BOTH a Ministry Council (Priest/ Elder) and a General Council (Kings/ Admins/ Executive).

The Ministry Council is made up of:

  1. Elders (Senior Elder, Associate Elder, Senior Associate Elder...) <- Plural leadership
  2. Secondary Leaders (Small Group Facilitators, Some young men or Women you are Mentoring or Attaches)

This is the Paul and Timothy principle.

Principle: God sets the solitary in families
Action: A single Pastor is no longer sufficient. You need to begin grooming Elders in an Elder Council with you as the Senior Elder. This is at least a year process. You need to also select at least 2 pound men and women you would personally mentor as attaches. One of them can take over the church if anything happens to you.

They can also do ministry work with you or learn servanthood by taking out garbage. They will also be your help to craft out ministry policies and strategy.

Each Elder should have a responsibility - Christian Education and Youth, Worship, People Groups, Pastoral Care etc.

These are NOT Deacons. When meeting as an Elders council you do not talk about Building or Admin stuff. That is for the General Council.

The Ministry Council is a wider group consisting of the Elders, Facilitators of the People Groups and your Executive Attaches (Mentors).

You need to have an General Council as per Section 503C. You can call it a Board, but we don't, so that no one's head gets big.

They must be made up of members.

  • There is a President (usually the Pastor)
  • Vice President
  • Chair Person who should be a Member NOT an Elder and NOT in the MINISTRY COUNCIL.
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer (over the Finance and Finance Team)
  • General Members (2)
  • General Admin Member (in charge of Buildings and Grounds, Office Admin, Procurement etc.)

The General Council discusses Operations, and Policies and work that needs to be accomplished on the Building and Finances.


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