Resources on Evangelical Universalism

Video/ Animation

  1. The Flaming Toilet of Death. See channel also (

Introductory Resources

  1. The Restitution of all things By Dr. Stephen Jones
  2. Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin and
  3. Links to Universalism Resources
  4. Hell in a Nutshell by Charles Watson

More Advance Resources

  1. The Second Death and Restitution of all Things by Andrew Jukes
  2. The Savior of the World by J. Preston Eby-
  3. Hell Yes/ Hell No by Dr. John Noe (not a universalism book, but a great discourse on the various views)
  4. For a thorough, but often technical comparative philosophical case: God’s Final Victory
  5. For a more popular, but still tightly-argued case, along with some excellent exegesis, either:
    1. The Evangelical Universalist: Second Edition
    2. The Inescapable Love of God: Second Edition
  6. Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin
  7. Universalism in Life and Doctrine: And Its Superiority as a Practical Power, Exhibited ... by Elbridge Gerry Brooks

Audio/ Sermons

Blogs and Websites



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