Would People with Mental Challenges Go to Heaven?

My son asked some time ago, whether people with mental challenges go to heaven?

My initial response to him was, what does being mental have to do with anything? It's like asking whether someone with one hand or leg will get to heaven....

He clarified that since they don't know what they are doing, and cannot accept Jesus, they are disadvantaged?

What would your response be?

I told him that this is how traditional Christendom would respond. It would be with confusion with either:
  1. All have sinned, and are born sinners, so someone with mental issues is a sinner and needs to repent and believe in Christ to be saved. If they don't do that, they will go to hell, no matter what because the Bible says so.
  2. Just like babies, they will go to heaven, because well, they just would. God will not send them to hell.
I told him this is why we need to see how powerful Christ’s Death and Resurrection on the Cross.
Here was my response:

"If I be lifted from the earth I will draw all men onto me." - Christ.
"Clearly, Christ's love guides us. We are convinced of the fact that one man has died for all people. Therefore, all people have died" - Paul
  1. Did you decide to be born into this family? No
  2. How did you know that you are part of this family for real? Well one, you have to believe us, but you also have evidence - birth or adoption papers. There is an identity also, that you are one of us.
  3. This is the power of the Cross. When Christ died - EVERY SINGLE MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD died in HIM.
  4. That covered everyone who was every born since Adam...
  5. Being born of God is not a decision or based on a human impulse. It is what God did and has done on His own. We have to believe and be convinced by the papers He gave us (His word).
  6. So the Cross is that powerful. It covers every single baby who drowned in Noah's day, every since baby aborted, in fact every human who ever lived.
  7. We all have the right to be children of God. We must believe Him [John 1:12]. If you are incapacitated to believe, the cross has already killed your sin, killed your decay, and put you on the path back to Him.  As Paul says, all of us came out of Him, will go through Him and all will come back to Him.  Each is in a different stage of the journey [Rom 11:36]
  8. Those who are blessed with the ability to have free will of our own, if you believe you know the Life is yours now. Live Life abundantly now.
  9. Let's assume your name is Adrian Smith, and you do not believe. If you, Adrian Smith do not believe, you does not have life abundantly now.  It is as if you believe you are not a child of the Smith's family so, you act like you belong to another family. So be it. You would have to live with that until you wake up. You may get into trouble and suffer the consequences for it. You may have to go to prison until you pay the last farthing, because of your own consequences to your delusion. Your life would be interrupted.  You would be in ruin. I may have to discipline you also. But as your Father, I will do everything in my power to ensure you do not remain deluded, and death is nothing to me. And if I have all power, I get what I want.
That is the really the Gospel. That is the power of the Cross.


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