The Judicial Work of the Cross

(photo credit - Wikipedia)

 Everything begins and ends with the cross....

The cross was the Supreme Divine Court Judgment on this world. This judgment is not based on works. It was based on His Work.

So what was this judgment?

This was the judgment - Satan driven out; men dragged into Him and [man - Adam/ death] killed. (John 12:31).

Remember Paul's out of His mind statement? He said when Christ died ALL MEN DIED.... and the LOVE of Christ compels Him to say so... [2 Cor 5:14].

Christ did not come to judge the world, but to save it.

The process to save the world was:
1. Drag and Crucify every man when He was crucified
2. Kill every man/ Adam when He died
3. Bury every old man when He was buried

This concludes the death work, the same death work of the first dove in the OT. This concludes the reconciling.

So let's summarize the death work... Surely you agree:
1. When ADAM Died ALL MEN Died, right?
2. When CHRIST Died, ALL MEN Died Right?

However we do agree, not every man [yet] was made alive....

The question is In Christ will ALL MEN be made alive?

Now for the making alive work, the second dove: For those who believe [I do emphasize BELIEVE] The process to becoming Alive is....
1. Quickening: Exchange their faith for righteousness and have the Spirit quicken them, That is the new birth. This includes sanctification, washing, renewing the mind.
2. Raised: Have all who believe raised from beneath to above life. Receiving the capacity and Grace to reign in life Now. Live from above. Raised into His Glorious Body. Raised with a spiritual body also at Death.
3. Seated: Take a seat on His Throne as a King and Priest

For those who do not believe, there is another judgment, a different judgment from the cross, hence, a lower court judgment

The lower court judgment is based on works. Haven't you notice that all lower level judgment is ALWAYS based on WORKS? Yet we all know salvation is not based on works.

So here is the lower court judgment on works, and how unbelievers are judged for rejecting His Death and their death in Him:

Here is how unbelievers are hurt by second death:
1. The Jews first [They are always first smile emoticon ] - Matt 21:44; They rejected the stone. They did not want to fall on the stone. Instead they were crushed by the stone. Kingdom taken away. The children of the Kingdom were cast into outer darkness. (Matt 8:12)

2. All men
- Ruin: He who love his own life, and rejected his death on the cross with Christ: will lose it, that is, apollumi that is destroyed/ ruined/lost (Notice though it is the same word as lost coin or lost sheep) [John 12:25]. They get hurt by being ruined, lost...
- Stay in Darkness: They get hurt by remaining in darkness (John 12:46) having rejected the light and not acknowledging they were dragged and killed in him
- Thrown Out into Outer Darkness
- Cut in Pieces: Notice some like the wicked servant in Luke 12,will be cut in pieces,beaten with little or much stripes based on their degree of knowledge of God's will and their response, and assign a place with the unbelievers. These were believers, but classified as wicked servants, who did not participate in the first resurrection that is for ALL believers who overcome. (Note this is part of the fire Christ wished for)
- Some will have their works cast into the fire, suffer some shame but not assigned a place with the unbelievers.

For those who do not believe, they have stopped the process at being Buried in Him. They never progressed to the Quickening stage. So the lower court judgment is Hurt via
1. No Quickening by Spirit: Assigned a Loss/ Ruin/ Destruction
2. Raised to Condemnation as unjust
3. Not Seated - thrown out, cast out into outer darkness

But the good news is Mercy triumphs over judgment. Every man shall be seasoned with fire. The Lake of fire is just maximum seasoning, the river of fire that flows from the throne with the river of life also flowing from his throne.

[NOTE: Outer Darkness was also referred to in AD 70 with the Jews as a covenant nation being thrown out of the Kingdom and the Kingdom given to others.]

Paul says, Out of Him THROUGH HIM, and BACK to HIM Are ALL Things.

We all came out of Him.

The Through Him process involves men being judged, killed and made alive. Some just need a winnowing fan. Many need to be threshed. All will come back to Him.

God swore:
Isa 45:
22“Turn to me and be saved,
all you ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other.
23By myself I have sworn,
my mouth has uttered in all integrity
a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.

He swore that all the ends of the earth will be saved, and this word will not be revoked. He defined salvation as "Unto ME, every knee will bow [worship] and every tongue will swear [the same thing He has sworn]"

In the process of doing so many will be out to shame, or ruin. How did we get saved? Didn't we also swear [confess] with our tongues? Who are we to redefined what God said is to be saved?

Finally, we can conclude that since God swore on His throne and who are we to revoke this, and since all go BACK to Him, and since He intends to Be All in ALL, even if He needs to Shame many first, that

1. When ADAM Died ALL MEN Died,
2. When CHRIST Died, ALL MEN Died Right (2 Cor 5:14)
3. In Christ All Men (since they Died in Him, and all go Back to Him), will also me made alive... EACH IN HIS OWN ORDER... ALL to SUBMIT, Some to suffer Ruin, BUT ALL to BE in God so that GOD will be ALL IN ALL.

God is the All consuming Fire....

The Lake of Fire is based on WORKS... Has nothing to do with preventing Salvation per se... It has all to with being accountable for your works and being judged accordingly. Sodom and Gomorrah would have repented in Christ day. God will take that into account.

Salvation is based on the bowing of your heart and the confession of your tongue... No man can say Jesus is Lord except by the spirit.

All men will pay their last farthing, and confess Jesus is Lord, to the GLORY of God, not to the Vengeance of God.

Like Paul, the Love of Christ compels us to these things, and if we are out of our mind (as Paul says), it is for God.


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