I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jesus said "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this"

Here is what Jesus meant by that...

- He that believes in me though he were dead, yet shall he live: Christ did not come to end physical death per se. He came to defeat death. He defeated death by dying Himself and being raised from the dead. We will all still die physically. BUT because of Him holding the keys of death and Hades, when you die, you do not goto hades but immediately you will live.... NO MORE GOING TO HADES. You would live and receive your resurrected body immediately.

If you believe in me you shall never die:

Physical death is just a portal to life now. NO MORE HADES. The gates of HADES shall not prevail against us.
Resurrection of the dead is not an even or a day. It is a person. Christ.
Since He came in the clouds in AD 70, Resurrection of the dead began and continues to this day each in his own order or turn...

So Christ defeated death... does not mean physical death no longer exists.

So the question remains.... Do you believe this....


So at least the first resurrection has already occurred and is still occurring.

Else we don't believe Christ who said if we believe on him we will never die.

Since the 1st century, no believer rests in peace. The point of the Lazarus resurrection was to teach us, that the Old Covenant insisted that Resurrection was a day, but the New Covenant showed the Resurrection is a Person.

The resurrection of Christ was so powerful that he emptied Hades completely at his coming in the first century, no believer who dies go to Hades. We resurrect with our new bodies straight to the Father.

Paul said we are further clothed and will never be found naked. There are no naked Casper the friendly ghost believers with the Father now.

No where in scripture states the very atoms and dust you had, that have been eaten by the squirrels or weeds or trees and have been ingrained in other living organisms would be gutted out of all those weeds, and reconstituted. Christ's body was the only one promised not to see corruption.

When I die now I really live, not half live, and because of Christ I get a heavenly tabernacle NOW as soon as this earthly tent is shred.

Rev 14 talks about the three harvests.

Blessed are they who die in Christ from now on.


I am ABSOLUTELY immune to Death.  Death no longer has the power to PREVENT me from having Life uninterrupted.

As Christ said, I shall never die and though you are dead, yet shall he live.

My life will never be interrupted.

For the last 2000 there has not been a single believer who has died... those who believe in Him shall never die.

Once you take your last breath, no more detour into Hades, as it was before the law was fulfilled and before you died in Christ when He died.. You go straight back to Him, as a New Creation, your earthly tent shed, and you have been upgraded with a heavenly tabernacle, never unclothed in the process, in a blink.

There is no more death. 

"And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”" [John 11:26]

"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ”


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