Harpazo vs Resurrection Part 2


I think most importantly we have to go back to the impact of Christ's resurrection. I began to ask myself "How Powerful is Christ's Resurrection?"

Are Abraham and Daniel still dead and in Sheol or Hell or grave (and yes one of the words for hell is Sheol)

Consider this.

  • Abraham rejoiced in the day of Christ. He was not disappointed. Christ's resurrection began the process to dramatically change the dynamic of the state of death and the death process.
  • That was why even thought Martha said, yes I believe Lazarus will rise on the last day, Christ obliterated that line of thinking by stating that He was the resurrection.
  • He then proceeded to prove that a day does not limit him and he raised Lazarus from the dead.
  • Therefore in the Old Covenant, resurrection was a day or event. In the New Covenant Resurrection is a Person Christ himself.
  • All of that to say, when Christ resurrected, the OT saints resurrected with Him, upon His ascension He led captivity captive, at His Parousia He completed the first fruits, just like Michael promised Daniel that he would stand at the time of the end.
  • There was no fine print to that promise. Daniel was not going to sleep for 500 years and then oppsie, read the fine print, He had to sleep 2000 years more.
  • Same with Abraham. If he did not stand or rise in Jesus day, his rejoicing at Christ day was misplaced.
  • No wonder Christ said if you are dead, you shall live and if you live you shall never die, Do you Believe this?

Sadly we don't and worse we fail to see the complete restructuring of the process of death at the impact of Christ resurrection. We refuse to believe.

I do believe Daniel and Abraham received their individual spiritual bodies.

Again The resurrection was an event or a Day, actually the Last Day in the Old Testament, but the point of Lazarus, was Christ correcting us and stating that with His arrival the Resurrection was a Person (just like the Sabbath is also).

The Person Christ, the true Resurrection is Above the Day. So Resurrection started with Him first, and proceeds without gaps or delays as He is the Day of Resurrection.

OT shadows taught us that three times men must appear before God, corresponding to the three harvests. So after Christ's resurrection the three times harvesting of the earth was underway (read Rev 14; 1 Cor 15:22-24), each in his own order-

  1. Firstfruits were Daniel and OT saints, as Daniel was promised to stand at this time of the end of Moses Age (490 years or 70 weeks after). Abraham also gleefully anticipated this day. I would hate to think Daniel and Abraham are still waiting, else Michael should have read the fine print to Daniel, that after 490 years he would have to wait for 2000+ years.

  2. The Wheat Harvest (Rev 14: 14-16), where the Son of Man Himself harvested, all the 1st century saints who died, or as 1 Cor 15:23 says, those at His Parousia/Presence and then 

  3. The ongoing Grape Harvest which started with throwing all the unbelieving Jews into His winepress (Rev 14:17+). This is why his robe was dipped in blood (Rev 19:13), when He came in the clouds to destroy the city. This fulfills Dan 12:1-3, the resurrection verses which dealt with natural Israel ONLY or Daniel's people. 

Since then those who died in Christ never see death, after all HE is the Resurrection and the Life. The question He posed to us, is "Do we believe this?".

It seems we have a hard time believing this. So we live as soon as we in Christ physically died. That is why we can proclaim at funerals truly, when you died in Christ, you are not truly dead. Those who died without believing wait for the general resurrection of the dead at Christ Final return. They die. We don't. 

Those who are alive at His Final return (and yes I do believe in a Final Return or Christ) are also harpazo, caught up and changed also.

See also: "Did the Resurrection Start with Christ and Then Paused?"

What about being Caught up in the Cloud: Harpazo vs Rapture Part 1


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