Six Steps to The Throne Series


Christ did not [just] die for us. He died AS us.

  1. When He was crucified, you and your old man were Crucified.
  2. When He was buried, you and your old man were Buried.
  3. When He died, you and your old man Died.
  4. When He was quickened, you and your new man were Quickened.
  5. When He was raised, you and your new man were Raised.
  6. When He was seated, you and your new man were Seated.

You cannot effectively learn theology, be a disciple of Christ, if you are not very clear of what occurred on the Cross, and what happened to you when Christ died and rose, even while you considered God your enemy in your mind.

Every believer owes it to Him/Herself to study to foolishness of the Cross.

Here I offer the late Gary Garner's Great work "Six Steps to the Throne" for your review.

Without this foundation, nothing in the New Covenant would make sense to you. Nothing in the New Testament is wrong studying if this is not done first.

You have to count all other positions, doctrine, status, political affiliation, any previous identity as Dung, for sake of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, you may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

The cross is the beginning of your maturity as a Disciple. If you know nothing else, know very clearly the Cross.

Have I stirred you up as yet?

Then read and study all Six Steps now.


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