Principles Concerning the Restitution of All Things

 The Cross is the Supreme Judgment.   No other Judgment Past or to Come can Revoke It.

  1. All judgments from God are corrective,  to learn righteousness, not punitive as its objective.
  2. The cross is central to God reconciling and redeeming all

The Judgment was All Men Died When Christ Died.  Christ Died for All.

  1. When Christ died on the cross all men were reconciled, all men died in Him, he drew all men unto Him.  This was the judgment upon  the world.
  2. Men remain dead in Him, until they are quicken by the Spirit unto new life 

All Men Do Not Presently Live  in Christ
  1. All died in Christ (2 Cor 5:14) but at present all do not live in Christ.  
  2. After death all who presently do live in Christ passed from death into life and return to God. He is the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in Him will Never Die.

How Do You Become Alive after He Killed You?

  1. The process to life is reconciliation, then regeneration, then sanctification, then glorification. 
  2. All men are reconciled. All men right now are not sanctified. Some did not progress.

Many Humans at No Fault of Their Own Did Not Progress Beyond Reconciliation

  1. Many Gentiles did not progress beyond reconciliation: Some humans were aborted, some humans were slain before adulthood, some were born mentally and cognitive disabled, some grew up their entire lives never hearing about Christ especially before He came, some who did not know their right hands from  their left were drown in  the flood,  or killed by many armies.  However all were reconciled by the Supreme judgment of the cross.
  2. Some humans heard  and rejected, Some heard and believe. Those who heard and believed progressed to being born again and regenerated.  However all were reconciled by the Supreme Judgment of the cross.

Sanctification = Fire 
  1. In the sanctification process, The Spirit baptizes with fire, to sanctify us. All men would be seasoned by fire.
  2. After regeneration, there is sanctification, with the end game of glorification, that is all corruption swallowed by incorruption.

All Men Would Be Resurrected. Some to life.  Some to Condemnation.

  1. All men who have ever lived though would be resurrected. Some to life. Some to condemnation. Those who are regenerated and sanctify now are raised to life. Those stuck in the process remaining dead will be resurrected to condemnation.

The Cross is Powerful Enough to Deal with those who were Disenfranchised.

  1. It is entirely possible that because of the Supreme adjudication of the cross, humans who were aborted, killed without a chance, cognitively disabled, or able body humans, if God determined that the righteous requirements of the law were already written on their hearts, and they were a doer of the law without the deeds of the law, Grace can be extended where they are resurrected unto life also, when hearts are judged.  This is because of the power of the Cross. [Rom. 2:12-16]
  2. It is possible to, that a servant of Christ who mistreats other servants, can be beaten with stripes and his portion appointed with the wicked.

All Men Must Be Seasoned With Fire. All Flesh Must Be Burned
  1. Just like all men would  be resurrected, All men would be seasoned with fire. In this life those who are regenerated embrace the Spirit to refine us. We progress to glorification and resurrection of life. Some their works tested by fire by saved by life
  2. Others who never embraced the regeneration must progress to the fire at maximum wattage. The lake of fire is post mortem. God is the all consuming fire.  

A Lower Court Judgment of Works is NEVER Above the Cross Supreme Judgment
  1. All who just stayed dead in Christ but do not live are judged by their WORKS...again I repeat WORKS, which has nothing to do with salvation. The books are open to perform judgment.  They are cast into the Lake of Fire

The Judgment for Works Means Perishing, Lost, Ruin.

  1. Those in the fire would perish, or appolumi, the same word as lost as in lost coin, or lost sheep. It means ruin. They are destroyed, just as Paul wanted someone to be given to Satan for the destruction of flesh so that life would be saved.   This does not mean that Satan destroying flesh as equaling all men reconciled. This was just an example of the strange way Paul used destroyed to not mean annihilation, as some believe.
  2. They go until the last farthing is paid. *Figure of Speech*.   This means they go until judgment runs its course and achieve its objective not literally pay for their sins. And if you do hold that Christ paid for their debt as I do, then you understand why I said the judgment was for Works...that is they are accountable for the consequences of their actions but the cross is the Supreme court judgment that paid for all debt and after that accountability has ended, the cross is still in effect.
  3. Some beaten with many stripes, some with a few, some would have a tougher judgment than others (for example, the cities of Tyre and Sidon has a case against the city of Jerusalem)

The Goal is the Same = God All in All and Back to Him are All things [Rom 11:36].

  1. All men must resurrect, all men must be seasoned with fire. Therefore as in Adam all men died, and in Christ all men died, in Christ all men would be made alive each in his own order....until Christ is all in all.
  2. What God swore on the throne must completed. 'Look into Me, you ends of the earth and be saved' this is how He defined salvation...' Unto Me every knee will bow or worship and every tongue week swear like I swore also'... Some would be put to shame as a part of this process.
  3. The cross is powerful enough to overcome all obstacle and can drag All men unto Him, and pursue each one lost throughout all ages.
  4. That is why when we sin we just confess, and he is faithful and just to forgive because He already paid for the debt. We just agree with what He did on the cross.

Reconciliation of all things Does not include Spirits.

  1. Finally, by the laws of redemption Christ came as a man and of Jewish stock as a near kinsman. He was a near kinsman of all in Adam. He was not a redeemer by near kinsman of spirits, angels or Satan. They are not redeemed. The fire is a different process for them without having a redeemer.

Clearing Some Misconceptions
  1. Evangelical Universalism do hold consequences for sin and do believe in the Lake of fire for judgment of works. 
  2. The Reconciliation of All things or Christian Evangelical Universalism  is that every man will willingly accept eventually, but some through water, some through the flood, Some through fire,but all through the blood.
  3. They just believe that when the fire completes its judgment that all each in his own order return to God, as Rom 11:36 says so that God can be all in all. 

Does Evangelical Universalism denies Free Choice?

  • Does it deny free choice? Well were you denied free choice hen God by his grace creates the circumstances around you to cause you to change his mind about Him and accept Him as your Savior? Or when in an extreme case, but it takes only one case to disprove this notion, when God orchestrated the circumstances around Paul's conversion, by blinding him? 
  • Being free to choose does not mean free from consequences of that choice.
  • Free to choose does not limit God to orchestrate circumstances and events to have you change your mind or to judge you and cause you to repent.
  • He did it all the time to Israel when he states that He kicked them out of the land as a consequence of their choice in order to repent. How free is that? Yet paradoxically it was free.
  • God does this to each one who comes to Him. He divinely orchestrates the events for you to change your mind about Him. When you don't He can judge or discipline you to change your mind again. His goodness in this regard also leads to repentance.
  • Any time someone says this or that denies free choice, I doubt they really extrapolate logically what they are saying. 
  • Home associations, TSA, the police, local town and planning, denies free choice (sometimes for good reason) but we don't complain.


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