Step 1 Crucified - Six Steps to the Throne Series


Gary Garner


Revelation 3:20-22  Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.



In this passage of scripture we see Jesus standing at the door of the church and knocking.  This is talking about a time in God’s plan when there is a feast available. We call this the “super supper.”  It is a time that we are entering into in the church when God opens His Word up to us, and we have Him laid before us in every passage and every place in the Word.

Without getting into great detail about this chapter of Revelation, we want you to see that there is a promise of sitting together with Christ in His throne, ruling and reigning with Him.  We are coming to the time in the calendar of God when this will actually be an experience of believers, where we will rule and reign with Him.

If I’m asked; “Do you believe that the Kingdom is already here? Do you believe the Kingdom is now, or do you believe the Kingdom is future?”  I just simply say “yes.”  It is both.  Jesus said in Luke 17 that the Kingdom of God is within you.  It is not only now, but is has been, every since people started being born again, every since the beginning of the church in Acts 2.  The Kingdom of God is within you.  It cometh not with observation; it’s not something you can see. 

We know that there will be in the future, a physical manifestation of that kingdom where Jesus will physically rule and reign.  People will share His position as King of kings and Lord of lords.  That is what that means in the previous scripture, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in the throne.”

The Kingdom of God that will physically manifest in this earth is a spiritual kingdom.  There are pictures in the old covenant of those spiritual realities that we are growing into.  It is impossible to share with people spiritual truths; they are spiritual truths; so God gives us physical pictures of those things all the way through scripture.  He gives us physical pictures in the old covenant to show us that we could call visual aids of the spiritual kingdom.  Solomon’s kingdom is the greatest picture of the kingdom age that we are right on the verge of.

    I Kings 10:18-20 Moreover, the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold.          The throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was round behind; and there were stays on either             side on the place of the seat, and two lions stood beside the stays.  And twelve lions stood there on the         one side and on the other upon the six steps;  there was not the like made in any kingdom.


Solomon’s kingdom pictures the ultimate kingdom that is being set up.  It is a picture of Solomon’s kingdom before it was divided and they went into Babylon and were overthrown by Nebuchednezzar.  At the height of that kingdom we find the greatest Old Testament type of the kingdom age that we are about to enter into. 

The interesting thing here is that the throne of King Solomon’s temple had six steps to it. That is where we get this thought, the six steps to the throne, because to sit together with Christ is a process. It is a growth, and there are six steps to that throne.

The six steps that we will  be dealing with are these: crucified, died, buried, quickened (made alive), raised and seated.

If you will study the Pauline revelation, there are six things that Paul reveals Jesus doing in His redemptive work. 

You can’t get to the throne without going up on these steps, which are named crucified, died, buried, quickened, raised and seated.

This teaching is to help refresh your mind to these six steps so that you can make sure you are walking in a proper understanding of how to grow n the Lord. You don’t just jump in.   You don’t rule and reign with Him until your mind is renewed to what Christ has done for you.  He was crucified, he died, and He was buried; those are three separate experiences that all have their own purpose.

They all have something to do with the removal of who you used to be.  Then we have three more steps; quickened, raised and seated.  Those have to do with providing a building of who you are. The outline that we are going to deal with in each step is:

First, we are going to let the Bible proclaim these truths; then we’re going to let the Bible prove them; then we’re going to let the Bible picture them, then we’re going to let the Bible make all of these steps practical. We’re going to proclaim it, prove it, picture it, and make it practical. If you cannot apply these truths to your life, it is not good.

First of all, let us proclaim this first fact about being crucified.  In any step (physical or spiritual), there are two dimensions: a riser and a tread.  It’s amazing how you can be so intricate in the study of the word of God. There is a riser and a tread in every step.

There are six steps to Solomon’s throne. There is a “going up,” and then there is a “walking out” of that “going up.”Those six steps can be divided into twelve separate revelations.  “Crucified” is the riser: “crucified with Christ” is the tread.  That’s what it means to us.  “Crucified” is what happened to Christ;” “crucified with” is how that affects us.

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.


In almost every single modern translation, this word “am” is changed to “was.” That is very important.  “I was crucified with Christ” is the proper way to say that.  It is not something that is presently going on; it is something that has already happened. Jesus was crucified 2000 years ago.  Paul came along and he said, “I was crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live, yet not I.”

Paul was saying, it’s not the old “Me” that lives; something happened to the old Me.  What does it mean? 


II Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.  

Are you a new creature in Christ? What happened to the old creature that you used to be? You’re not both the new man in Christ and the old man in Christ.  You don’t have two natures. Like the black dog and white dog that people talk about fighting in us.   That isn’t true.  It is not scripturally sound to say that. You are either In Christ or you are still in Adam.


I John 5:12 he that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

Now notice that he makes a difference.  He says, “I am (or was) crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I.” 

It’s not the old Me that is living. The old Me was crucified, “yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and gave himself for me.”

The cross was God’s way of doing away with the old You.  If you are a new creature in Christ, the old man would be the person you were before you became a new creature.  The cross of Calvary was God’s way of doing away with who you used to be. 

Paul said “I was crucified.”

I can just hear someone saying to Paul, ‘Paul, you’re going about things a whole lot differently.  What has changed in your life?”He would have said, “Well, I’m a new creature in Christ.  I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live, but the person now living is Christ who lives in me.”  It’s not Paul anymore; it’s Christ. And if you are born again, then it is not you either.

We are the body of Christ.  That is what he was saying there. It is so important to see this. Most Christians spend much of their time trying to get rid of “old man symptoms” when we must renew our mind to new man realities.  Most of Christianity is saying, “Well, we’re going to teach you how to stop doing this and how to quit doing that.” 

The key to it is to understand who your are in Christ. We must understand that the crucifixion was God’s way of doing away with who we used to be. Your old man was crucified with Christ.  You are now a new creature in Christ.

Gal. 6:14  But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom (margianl rendering says whereby) the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.


The cross was God’s way of delivering you, not only from who you used to be, but from the evil of this world.

Gal. 1:3-4a  Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world.


By Him giving himself for our sins, he delivered us from this present evil world.  His crucifixion was our crucifixion.  Gal. 6:14 says “By whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”  The world became dead to you; the world lost its grip on you.  When somebody dies, they lose their grip on the world and the world loses its grip on them.

God knows that we need to be people of the spirit.  How do we do that? It was His crucifixion that provided that.

This is so practical because people want to constantly say, “I need to walk in the Spirit.” I need to be more separated from the world.

I don’t need the world to have such a grip on me.  That is not something that you do; that’s something the cross provided for you.

Jesus said n John 17, in that high priestly prayer, Father, don’t take them out of the world, but deliver them from the evil that is in the world.

How did He do that?  He became one with us  on the cross, God crucified us in Him and delivered us from the world.

Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is (was) crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

This statement may shock you.  This is not a promise; it is a statement of fact.  You are not trying to get rid of your old man;  Jesus did that for you.  Now what we’re  to do is renew our mind to the fact that our old man has been “gotten rid of.”  The crucifixion was God’s way of doing away with who I used to be, and the crucifixion happened 2000 years ago. The problem is that we don’t know what happened there 2000 years ago, and God is renewing our mind to that.

That’s enough proclaiming it.  We should be able say if we are believers in the Bible, that our old man is crucified.

Now to prove it.  Our identification is based upon three facts, and everyone needs to know these. The greatest tragedy among Christians today is to view the cross of Calvary as the death of only one man.  It wasn’t just one man.  God never saw it as one man. It was one man, but it was all men dying in that one man. God never viewed it as the death of one man.  You’ll never see it in Scripture as one man dying alone. Jesus’ death was the death of all men. How could that be?  Identification is based upon three facts:

  1. Everything Jesus did, He did as our substitute, so that whatever he did was placed in our account. My wife deposited my check in my checking account this week.  When she did it for me, it was if I did it because it was put into my account, but she did it for me. Jesus did some things for us.

    Romans 5:8  But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    Christ died for us.  Everything he did, he did as our substitute.  The word substitute means “one who takes the place of another.”   My wife went to the bank and deposited the money for me.  It looks on the books as if I went over there and did it.  Is says there were X amount of dollars placed in my account; it looks like I did it.  It’s on my account. I can write checks on it!

    When Jesus died for you, guess what!  The Bible says you died.  Why?  Because He died as you. He was your substitute.  Identification is not what we do.  Somebody said, we need to identify with the work of Calvary. Well, that is true, but it doesn’t make any difference if you identify; it’s what God identified with when he saw the cross that is important.

    The question is not how you see the cross, the question is, how God sees the cross. Then when you see it the way He sees it, everything will be all right. How did God see the cross? He did not see the cross as Jesus dying there as one man.

    Why?  Because Jesus was our substitute. Identification means “to consider or treat as the same,” according to Webster.

    So God was considering and treating the crucifixion of Christ as our crucifixion.  He considered Jesus as all man kind.

  2. Jesus became just like us.  He became so much like us that God could legally view Him as being us.  These are basic truths in understanding the New Testament.  He was our substitute, so God put everything He did on our account.

    II Corinthians 5:14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead.

    Why were all dead?  Because He died for them.  It goes further than that though. God sees you the way you really are.  We think sometimes that the blood of Jesus makes God see us some way that we really are not.  He doesn’t see us funny; we’re the ones who see us funny.

    When God says, You are the righteousness of God, you come back and say, “Well, no, I’m not.  I kicked the car, lost my temper and spit on the carpet.”  You are right because of what Jesus did, not because of what you do.

    What we do is read where we are the righteousness of God and then we will get our own measuring device and measure ourselves and say, “No, no, no.”Don’t use your measuring device.  Let God tell you.

    Jesus did not do right things to get to be righteous; Jesus did right things because He knew He was righteous.

    How am I ever going to get to where I do right things? When you find out you are right.  We’ve got it backwards.

    We say, “Someday I’m going to be able to say, like Paul, I am the righteousness of God.”

    Paul didn’t say that because he did everything right; he said it because he had a revelation of what the cross produced.  You are righteous not because of what you do. The way to change what you do is to believe what God said about you.

    God sees you exactly the way your are.  We don’t see us the way we are.  That’s why we come together and study Paul’s revelation, because Paul saw why and how we became righteous.

    Identification is based on the fact that Jesus was our substitute; He did it for us so everything He did was placed on our account.  God said, if one died for all, then all are dead.  But it’s more that.   Your identification of substitution must go further.  What did God see in Jesus that made him say I was crucified?  He saw that Jesus became exactly like I was.  He identified with me to the point that He became who I was.

    Romans 6:6  Knowing this, that our old man is (was) crucified  with him that the body of sin might  be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

    Our old man was crucified.  Jesus became so much like you that God viewed Him as being you. He became so much like who you used to be that God viewed who you used to be dying there when Jesus hung there.  God said, that’s who you used to be, because the Bible said my old man was crucified.  Jesus became whatever my old man was.  He had to, because the Bible said my old man was crucified with him.

    God could legally view him as being you.   God can’t say, “Well, let’s just pretend .”  Redemption is based on a legal transaction.  He became legally like you, so much like you that God viewed Jesus as being you and all of your old nature.  Your old man died there.

  3. I am presently in union with Christ, one with Him, so that His history is my history, His present is my present present, and His future is my future.

    I Corinthians 6:17  But he that is joined unto  the Lord is one spirit.

    If you are in Christ, it doesn’t mean that you’re over here and Jesus is over there. It means we have a current and present union with Him;  we are one with Him.  He said, I am the vine and you are the branch.  There is a union between the vine and the branch.  That means the same life is flowing through us.  Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father right now.

    I’m in Him, and that’s the reason the Bible says you were crucified with Him. Praise God!  The Bible says we are the Body of Christ.

    All of His children together makes up the Body of Christ.

    That doesn’t mean we are Jesus; it means we have His life in us.  

These three facts are the foundation upon which the subject of identification is based.  We need to understand these three facts about identification.   He was your substitute; everything He did was placed on your account.  He became so much like you that God viewed Him as being you; the problems is that you don’t view Him as being you.  When you view Him as being you, then the old man seems to be something of the past and you quit acting like the old man.

You’ve got to see it like He saw it. I am in union with Him, so His history becomes my history and His  future becomes my future.Now lets picture it.

John 12:31-33 Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out.  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.  This said he, signifying what death he should die.


This is Jesus speaking.  You are included in that “all men.” You will always fear judgment until you realize that you have been judged in Him. Father knew that in our time people would read verse 32 and get up in church services and say, “Let’s all praise the Lord, because if we lift Him up, He will draw all men unto Him.”

Father knew people would say that, so he added verse 33 to let us know He was not talking about lifting Him up in praise and worship. He was talking about the cross. Jesus was nailed to the cross, and on the cross He drew all men unto Himself.

All, a-l-l men-past, present and future.

As soon as He drew me unto Himself on the cross, God could judge me in Him. He could kill me in Him.  God didn’t fix my old man; He didn’t heal my old man;  He didn’t restore my old man.  He killed my old man.  My old man got everything he deserved; he was crucified.  How could that be?  Because Jesus said I’m going to be nailed to a cross and then I will draw all men unto myself.

When God was dealing with Jesus, He was actually dealing with all men in Him. That happened 2000 years ago. When you get a revelation of that,  you are going to wake up and say, Thank God, that’s over! He dealt with your sin two thousand years ago.

Many people say, “Oh, thank God, Jesus’ death was so that I wouldn’t die.” That isn’t true.   Jesus’ death was not so that you could live; Jesus’ death was so that your old man could die.  We’ll look at more of that later.


How many men were drawn into Him? ALL men.  Everybody! The whole world.  Even those who do not know Jesus.  The price for sins of the world has already been dealt with.  Nothing left to do.  John 16 says that when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will reprove the world of sin (singular).  There is only one sin that sends a man to hell, and this is the sin of not believing on Jesus. 

Their sins were drawn into Christ. II Cor. 5:21 says He was made to be sin for us.   That is evangelism, just making people believe in the finished work of Christ. But the problem is that we don’t even believe that the finished work of Christ was enough.

Let’s look at an interesting kingdom parable.

Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field:  the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and  selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

What is the field, according to what Jesus had said earlier? The field is the world.  Jesus is the man, the world is the field, and the treasure in the world is the church. In order to have the treasure, Jesus had to buy the whole field.  In order to get the glorious church He had to buy the whole field, and He sold everything that He had, to get it.  All He was He gave so that out of the world there would be a treasure, which is the church a people in His image. He couldn’t get that treasure by just buying the treasure; He had to buy the whole field. Anybody in the field can become part of the treasure. In order to buy the church, He had to get the world.  There was only one way to make this thing legal, and that was to buy the whole world.  So He became one with all the world so that out of the world would come the treasure.  He was more than willing to do it.

Notice the word “judgment” in the previous scripture. It says, NOW is the judgment of this world.

You do not have to fear judgment if you are in Christ.  The judgment of Father fell upon Jesus and  you were with Him in that judgment.  The Church  and the world needs to see the judgment that took place on Calvary.

Daniel 7:21-22 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.


The horn is the anti-christ, who will prevail against the saints until judgment is given to the saints of the Most High.  What judgment do you think he is talking about?  He’s talking about a revelation of the judgment that happened at the cross.

Judgment was given to them.  That means a revelation of the judgment of Christ was given to them, and in that they can turn and deliver those people who are still trying to crucify themselves. The anti-christ will prevail against you until you get a revelation that you are not the one doing the crucifixion. Who is the anti-christ?  The anti-Christ is everything that is not Christ.  It is anti-Christ.

If He was crucified for you and you are still trying to crucify yourself, that would be anti-Christ.

II Thess. 2:3  Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day (the day of the Lord) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above  all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

People have thought that spoke of a great bunch of people falling away.  What needs to fall away is your concept of your old man. Jesus is not going to appear in the church until there comes a falling away of the first Adam.  What has to be revealed first?  The son of perdition. Who is that?

John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name, those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled.


Who is He talking about there?  He said, I didn’t lose any of the disciples except one.  I lost one, and he was the son of perdition.  Now who was the son of perdition that He didn’t keep?  Judas.  Put the two together.  II Thessalonians says there’s going to be a falling away first and that man of sin is going to be revealed, the son of perdition.  What we need to know is the reason that Judas was called the son of perdition.  Why was he called the man of sin?  Because he betrayed Christ.  How did he betray Christ?  Not the way you might think.

Judas means praise, just like Judah. There is a praise that betrays Christ.  That praise that betrays is pictured in the man Judas who is the man of sin. He has got to be revealed in the church.  The man of sin is always seen in the church. There is a man of sin in the church, the son of perdition, in the church, that goes out and like Judas, hangs himself. In the church world today and in each of our lives, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are trying to crucify ourselves. He said, there has to be a falling away fist of the old man, a doing away of the Adam nature in us. It won’t come until the man of sin is revealed in the church.

The man of sin is simply the guy that went out and hanged himself.  Every Christian needs to let Jesus’ crucifixion be what it was, their crucifixion.  Just rest in the finished work and stop trying to hang, or crucify, ourselves.  One of the most used sayings in the Church is, “you just have to die to this or that.” It is amazing that people will hear this message and go away saying, “That was a good teaching.”  Now what must I do? I’m going to try harder, quit some things, and bare myself up till I get right.” That is the Judas, the praise that betrays. They say, “I praise you, Lord, that I was strong enough to quit this.”  That’s not the cross of Calvary.

If you’ll apply His cross to the problems of your life, you will get  real deliverance, the deliverance of the Cross. 

It won’t be something that you decide to do by your own will.

How do we picture the cross?  There are so many ways we can picture the cross.  The cross of Calvary is seen in Noah’s ark;  the whole boat was a place of preservation.  That whole ark, which pictures the church, was built from the death of a tree.

In the tabernacle of Moses, which pictures the church, if you stood over the top of the tabernacle of Moses, the pieces of furniture were in the shape of a cross.  That’s the cross in the church.  The camp at rest was in the shape of a cross.  It’s a people crucified with a cross in the midst.

In Exodus 12, when the lamb was slain, they put blood over the doorposts and the sideposts, forming a double cross.

There’s two crosses there.  The doorposts and the sideposts made two crosses. That means there were two people killed there; Jesus and you in Him.  It is pictured all the way through scripture.  His crucifixion was your crucifixion. The lamb’s death was the death of the firstborn at the first Passover. That’s the only reason the death angel passed over; why didn’t he kill the firstborn of the children of Israel’s houses? Because there had already been a death there.  The angel didn’t just skip that house; he saw blood, and he passed over because there was already a death there. That lamb’s death was the death of the firstborn.  When he passes over your house, he is going to say the same thing.  You’re not going to say, “Thank God I didn’t have to die.”  Family, if that is your attitude, death is still working in you. There is blood on the doorpost of your heart, and therefore you’ve already had the death of your old man.  That’s the revelation. Now let’s make it practical.

Numbers 21:7  Therfore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. 


The context in which this was written was that the people had begun to murmur against Moses and Aaron.  Serpents were sent, and the serpents bit them and they were dying. They said, “Would you pray and tell the Lord we’re sorry.” Moses did.

Numbers 21:8-9 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.  And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.


How did they live?  They beheld the serpent of brass.  Now do you get the picture here? Serpents were biting them.  God said the answer was to put a brass serpent on a pole.  When Samson sinned and he was taken into the hands of the Philistines, the Bible said he was put in stocks of brass.  It’s the same thought throughout scripture.  Brass speaks of judgment.  Here’s a brass serpent on a pole, and they were to look at that brass serpent.  They were bitten by serpents, but they were to look at the brass serpent on a pole.

If they looked at the brass serpent on a pole, not at a lamb, but a brass serpent, they would live.

What does that have to do with us? Jesus came along in the Gospel of John and said, As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up.  You see, Jesus became that brazen serpent. This is a picture of Jesus identifying with mankind and becoming sin. He was the lamb.  But see, the lamb became judged with our judgment. Whatever is killing you, He died to, so that if you could see the brass serpent, life would come to you.  Whatever is killing you, whatever has bitten you, whatever is presently working death in your life, you must observe being on Jesus, so that when you see it on Him, it leaves you.

It has already been judged.

Let’s say you’ve got a problem with alcohol.   You think, I can’t get rid of it.  It’s killing me.  What’s the answer?  The answer is to see Jesus becoming one with what is killing you.  He bore the curse.  Is that part of the curse?   Yes it is.  That’s why Jesus didn’t want to go to the cross.  He wasn’t afraid of the nails and the pain. He dreaded the identification; he dreaded to become one with everything that was cursing man.

So you have to see Jesus dying with your problem.  What is killing you actually killed Jesus.  Deliverance comes to you when you see Him dying with what you need to be delivered from.  So you must view it and keep looking.  How long does it take?  Who cares?  Just keep looking!

The worst think you can do is stop and look at the snakes.  Or as many people do, the worst thing you can do is get everybody together and go on a “snake hunt.”  Forget all the snakes!   What people want to do is to cast out the snakes.  

God said, “This is the answer.  I’m going to put a brazen serpent on a pole.  You look at him and you live, and you’ll be safe.”

Okay, that’s what God said; now let’s just gather these snakes up.  Let’s go on a war against these snakes.  No!  You don’t war against the snakes.  Look at Jesus on the cross.

“But we’ve go to do something.”  The work has already been done. You’ll always be fighting snakes until you see what Jesus did to the snakes. That’s the key.  You can do this; you can get in a circle and beat snakes all your life.

We’re snake-beaters.  We’ve beat all the snakes out of our camp.  Well, that’s good, but there are more coming.

We get real tired and then we just keep fighting.  We get real good at “snake beating.”

In other words, there’s no snakes in our place, but the problem is, tomorrow you’ll have to beat the snakes again.

You’ll have to cast snakes out every day.  You’ll be doing it again in the morning, because the snakes are endless.

What you’re going to have to do is drop your stick and look at the serpent. That is tough for some people to do.

But,  “don’t you believe that people have problems with serpents”? Yes, we believe that, but we’ve got better things to do than fight serpents. Our message is to get people to look at Jesus.   You can do it either way.  The only problem is that if you do it that way, you’ll keep doing it; but you can get people totally  delivered this way.  The hardest think in the world to do is believe that’s the answer. You’ll never believe that’s the answer until you really find out what happened on Calvary. I would rather die looking at the cross than die of fatigue from beating snakes.


Daniel 7:25 And he (the anti-christ) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High...

That’s his objective; to wear out the saints of the most High.         ....Think to change times and laws.....

They will make them think that the things Jesus did two thousand years ago is something you’ve got to do today.

Change times?  No, it’s done.  The only thing we have to do is nothing.  Just look. There is life for a look.  That may seem too simple, but that is the real answer.

What we have to do is to get to people before they wear totally out and tell them to rest in the finished work of Christ. 

Quit fighting devils; start praising God.  There are some saints of the Most High God that are being worn out.

Hopefully when they get so tired they can’t stand, the cross will be so close to them that they will be able to look.

Isn’t that going to be a great thing?  If you’ve worn yourself totally out fighting snakes, fall down in the midst of them, look at the cross, and they can’t bite you.  There is life for a look! 



  1. Thank you for this Ancil! I've been meaning for some time to go back over this six steps to the throne teaching. It is so excellent and every new believer should be encouraged to read/study it, young and old. And regularly refresh!


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