The End of The Book...

All those in Lake of Fire will be given life after paying their last farthing, and after some eons and when the judgment has done its work [aion judgment]... the Work of judgment is so that people will learn righteousness. It's a judgment of works.

EVERYONE is on the New Earth. Wicked and Non-Wicked.

The gates of New Jerusalem are always open.

The wicked when cast into the lake are found outside the City. The tree of Life is available for the healing of nations.

The River of Life is for many to wash robes and drink. The wicked will enter after a period of judgment, and then each in His own order [1 Cor 15:23] will access life, until God is all in all [1 Cor 15:18], and all things go back to Him [Rom 11:36]

NOTE: Understanding from principles from the Laws of Restitution and the fact that the Lake of Fire is the Sea of Molten Glass, the Brazen Altar in the Heavenly temple is needed. Revelation is simply the shadows of the OT on Steroids. Understanding of Brazen Altar, the Principles of Dross in Jeremiah, Isaiah, the Laws of Restitution, Jubilee, The Feast of Tabernacles all come into play.


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