Christ The righteous judge.

In Harrisburg, PA, March, 2017,  a three year old little girl died because a Hover board exploded. These Hover boards faced a number of recalls. Get rid of them if you have one.

Also I was thinking that the average traditional Christian theology has no adequate way of addressing whether this girl is in heaven of not without cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics.

You are supposed to confess Christ as Lord, as you are born in sin. Well a three year old, may not have the cognitive capacity to do so. Since she was born in sin, she would not make it. She would be in hell...

Wait... are you recoiling at that? What did you say? She would be in heaven? What gave her a free pass? Because she is a child or under some mystical age of accountability (that is no where to be found in scripture)? This is the exact reason why Andrea Yates killed all her children so that they don't have to live in this cruel world and go to heaven. Hey that logically makes sense. If I can avoid hell, why must I live pass childhood. Abortion actually is a good thing from an eternal perspective.
I even heard someone say that they would go to hell and then when resurrected, the gospel would be shared so that a choice given before they are annihilated. I am not making this up.

Well what is the answer? The Cross. "When I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto me"... "The Love of Christ compels me to conclude, that when Christ died, all men died"

Christ is the righteous judge.

Perhaps, some of these questions on how will Christ deal with the billions of people who lived, especially those incapable of free will choice can only be answered, once we look at what He said. Perhaps we can then agree on how powerful the cross is.

Here is what Christ told us and how He was the Righteous Judge...

Principle 1: Christ Knows Who Would Have Repented if Circumstances Were Different

Principle 2: Christ Knows Which Gentiles Lived As If The Law was In Their Hearts

Principle 3: All Judgment apart from the Cross is Based on Works Only.
But as we all know, works do not save us...

Christ’s Righteous Judgment at Work
The cross makes all this righteous judgment possible, because when He died all men died in Him and His death dealt with the sin separation problem.

Now He can judged on the basis of:

- Would they have repented if they were given an opportunity?
- Are they physically able to exercise free choice?
- In their ignorance, did they follow their conscience?
- If capable and given a choice, did they refuse to believe?

This demonstrates how powerful the cross is and how righteous God's judgment is. This is why we are to judge or look at no man according to the flesh.

The cross was the Supreme Divine Court Judgment on this world. This judgment is not based on works, like all other judgments found in scripture pre and post the Cross. It was based on His Work.


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