The Cross Covers Aborted Babies, The People Drowned in Noah's Day.

Supposed someone says:
Abortion is a choice. No evangelical should be against it. It saves the unborn child and send them directly to heaven. Why allow them to grown up with the 90% possibility of rejecting Christ and be sent to hell? If you want to populate heaven, the more abortions, the better."
How would you answer people who state this against Christianity?

 **Disclaimer - I do not support abortions.**

I am advocating no such thing.  However Andrea Yates drowned her 5 children for exactly this reason.
The purpose to this question is to demonstrate logical fallacies and it is a 
a critique of INCONSISTENTLY HELD theological beliefs that actually trying to advocate doing that..


Let's rephrase it different.

Here is the logical syllogism
  1. 90% of Humans who are Born and pass the [unbiblical] age of accountability will go to Hell or be Annihilated forever, because they would reject God.
  2. 100% of Children who are born and do not pass the [unbiblical] age of accountability are guaranteed to go to Heaven.
  3. Abortion guarantees that a child, will never reach the [unbiblical] age of accountability, not be tainted by sin, and will not have the opportunity to reject God and hence go to Hell.

Therefore abortion is the best way to ensure that said human goes to Heaven. Abortion is therefore a viable option to 100% ensure, that your child goes to heaven.
If this is NOT the case, then we need to resort to mental gymnastics by stating "that persons without the ability to 'know' babies, the mentally ill, maybe those who were never told...that there would be special provision for them."

We all would recoil at this right?  In fact someone responded by stating "if someone used this logic, as the woman with the children drowned in the bathtub did, they would be found insane. "

<----  My response? Perhaps we are the ones insane who hold onto the types of theology we do.

However it would appear on a surface level that Christ appealed to a similar logic:

He did say after all...
"The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.”" [Matt 26:24]

It would have been better if he had not been born.

So What's the Answer?

The answer is the Cross which has resolved all these issues.

When Christ died all men died in Him.

The Cross covers the aborted babies, the disenfranchised, the people who were drowned in Noah's day, the people slaughtered by the Israelites, all the people who were victims of atrocities, throughout human history...

The Cross covers every human being that has ever lived.

The Cross is more powerful than Adam's sin and the effect of Adam's death.

The Cross brings resolution to all things.

This is how God defines salvation:

From God the Father:

Isa 45:22-25
22 "Look to Me, and be saved ,
All you ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other.
23 I have sworn by Myself;
The word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness,
And shall not return,
That to Me every knee shall bow,
Every tongue shall take an oath.
24 He shall say,
'Surely in the LORD I have righteousness and strength.
To Him men shall come,
And all shall be ashamed
Who are incensed against Him.
25 In the LORD all the descendants of Israel
Shall be justified, and shall glory.'"

He SWORE, on HIS THRONE, that All ends of the earth look to Him and be saved...

Salvation is defined by God as every knee bow [worship], every tongue swearing...

One can argue "earth" means just land, as the land of Israel, but Paul expanded the audience to include those above the earth, under the earth and on the earth. He also said no one can swear Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit.

Guess what? How are we saved today? We are also saved by swearing [confessing] Jesus is Lord.


What Happens to those who Reject Him?

If the Cross covers everyone, let's address what happens when people reject or are incensed against Him. Simply put, they will be put to shame. They will perish.

So to Him, men shall come. However, those who incensed against Him, pull against Him, reject Him outright shall be ashamed.

Israel was a PRIME EXAMPLE of one who was put to shame, yet, Paul declared that all Israel will be saved.

As proof, that Jesus identified Israel as the absolute worst and worse that other nations, Christ used Nineveh and Sodom as examples to show that Israel was worse than them both, yet we all know Israel was promised restoration.

Even further Ezekiel said that Wicked Sodom will be (and was) brought up as witnesses against Israel in the day of judgment...Israel was put ashamed because they were even worse than Sodom, because they rejected the corner stone.

Yet Sodom and Gomorrah was promised to be restored before Israel, as Israel was worse.  And if Israel was to be restored, well God will restore Sodom as he owes them an apology.  See Ezekiel 16.  (Did you realize that Sodom, the picture of divine destruction was promised restoration before Israel?)

Here is my point. If Israel was the worst, and they were put to shame, and they can be restored, and even bad Sodom was promised restoration, then anyone can be restored after being put to shame, after being destroyed.

So yes, there would be MANY that will be put to shame, and MANY also will glory, but that does not change the fact that EVERY knee bow and every tongue confess.

Just like with Sodom, and Israel, being put to shame, destroyed, perish [which incidentally is the word apollumi, the same word as "lost" as in "lost coin, or lost sheep; it means ruin or destroyed], being put to shame, destroyed, DOES NOT MEAN that you would never or that you can ever be restored subsequently.... It means you do have to suffer divine judgment. But all God's judgments are for the purpose of restoration. We do leave that up to God.

Once again, the Key is, somehow, Finally What God swore on His Throne this will occur....

"Come all ye ends of the earth and be Saved. I swear upon my throne that unto me, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess....." - God.

God's definition of salvation is every knee bowing and every tongue confessing.

Paul concluded "For out of Him, Through Him and Back to Him are all things...."

The Cross is Always the Answer. I don't have all the answers, but the Cross does.



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