Six Days of Creation - God Intent to Relocate to Earth.

When your kid ask how a computer is made, you don't go into material creation, you automatically talk about functional creation...

You don't talk about every iode, transistor, electrical circuit, the chemical make up....the manufacturing process....

You tell the kid, there is a motherboard for this, memory for this, hardware for this, monitor for this, then I put software on it...and I make it work like this.

Only when the computer is actually doing what it's functionally supposed to do, then the computer is made, else it's a brick.

That's how Genesis 1 was written.

Not many people stop to think how ridiculous it is for the sun to be materially created in the third day when light, and BOTH day and night was in the first day.

The Sun already existed. It was given its function with respect to the earth.

It was told you rule over the day.

That's when the ancient near eastern people consider it created. Like a computer is a computer when software is loaded and it's programmed to work, God's command to rule the day was divine coding to set the sun functionally in order.

The word "create" is bara and is not necessarily material creation.... it means functional arrangement, to put in order and given function.

The earth was already materially created eons ago.

In seven days God arranged the earth so that He can move in and dwell with man.

It's like building a house. It may take 9 months to gather the material and to actually materially build the house.

But to the ancient near eastern people, a house is not created until it is made functional. It's not really a house then.

So only when for the next seven days you take to move in all your boxes, arrange the bed rooms, hang pictures on the wall, and then you rest from the rearranging and giving each room it's function, and you rest to now your home is your command center from which you operate from, then the house is created, bara.

So the earth was millions of years materially created, but it took seven days to give an already existing sun, moon stars, function with respect to the earth, waters to be separated, land to appear, trees to be given their role, etc... like arranging rooms and moving stuff in for man to dwell and God to dwell with man.

We have to think like the ancient near eastern people.

God certainly created the ingredients of the earth and He created the earth.

Genesis 1 was not concerned with material creation. It was concerned with ontology, functional creation, having the earth formed and without void to have God and man dwell, the first temple arrangement
Here is a summary of a major proponent of this view. I don't agree with every single thing but this is in essence what functional existence is all about.

When you search through the Hebrew in the OT for the use of
Bara", you would find more inmaterial objects "bara or created" than material objects cited.


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