Are we all children of God?

Are we all children of God?

A lot of people don't get this.

There are two words for son... huios and teknon.

One refers to a mature son, with all rights of inheritance, the other a servant who has not matured and awaken.

This is the son of promise and son of flesh concept.

We are all children of God, at the flesh level, in the sense that we are all offspring of God just as Issac and Ishmael were the children of Abraham.

The real question is not whether we are all children of God or how He is the Father of all
We are all certainly His offspring.

The real question is whether you are a son of the flesh, an Ishmael or a son of the spirit,
an Issac. Are you only born from beneath, or are you also begotten from above.

Not all are children by the Spirit. You need to be begotten from above.

Begotten is conception of a male seed. It is not associated with females and the birth canal. It used and associated with males.

Begotten from above is the Father conceiving sons with the Word as the seed. It's resurrection life. It's the quickening of the Spirit in our mortal flesh, until corruption is swallowed by incorruptible and mortality is swallowed up by immortality.

That's how we move from children of flesh, teknon, to sons of promise, huios.

The next question is will all, most, or a small amount of sons of flesh take the upgrade and become sons of God by the Spirit.

The Old creation that is by flesh, men being born today is the beginning definition of being a child of God. In that sense He is the Father of all.

It's however the upgrade to the New Creation that is the intent, from flesh to spirit, from natural to spiritual, to become mature sons by the Spirit....this is the power to become sons of God, sons of thunder.

In that sense, all are not (yet) children of God.

But out of Him through Him and back to Him are all things. There is hope because of the power of the cross.


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