The Cross is Much More Powerful than Adam's Death

A common argument is that the restoration of all things aka "universalism" demeans the cross. Nothing can be further from the truth. It fact it is most certainly anchored and founded on the efficacy of the Cross.

The Cross is Much More Powerful than what anyone one of us think.

How Powerful? It's universal impact is seen in its resounding defeat of sin and death.

The Cross performed this universal work in two phases:

  1.  Death work and then 
  2. a Living Work.

First the Powerful Death Work of the Cross

  • All men have sinned and fall short [Rom 3:23] - universal
  • First Known Judgment - In Adam all die [1 Cor. 15:22] - universal
  • The Cross then executed the Kosmos Death Defying Final Judgment - But In Christ all died [2 Cor 5:14] - universal
  • In Christ all things reconciled whether in heaven, or on earth, by making peace on the cross [Col 1:19-20; 2 Cor 5:19] - universal [all things does not mean "Christians" or Israel only; reconciliation removes sin and death as the barrier of entry, starts, guarantees but does not complete the process of salvation]
  • If In Adam all died [and subsequently in Christ all died as per 1 Cor. 15:22], In Christ all (who also died first in Adam and then in Him) ) shall be made alive [1 Cor 15:23] - universal (each in his own order; faith is needed)
  • yet now all are NOT alive right now [2 Cor 5:14] (Non-universal in time)

Next... The Living Work of the Cross.... to make all who died alive.. each in his own order.


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