The American Church is a Balaam Part 1


<Originally posted Oct 2019> Trump is a fool. For a lot of believers it seems that as long as he is against the unpardonable political sin or abortion, he is free to break any other ethical boundary and he is free to act like a fool.

But as long as he is on my Republican side, and against abortion, he can do whatever he wants, even if what he does, and my unconditional support for him, without an iota of push back disparages the name of Christ.

I want to see believers even though you can support him politically, not give an excuse for every single lie he says, or every single infantile behavioral conduct he exhibits.

Giving him an explicit hall pass is what I'm against.
A good prophet of old would have confront him. A Balaam who loves to sell his voice for political gain will not.

The American believer who unconditionally supports Trump without a peep of misgiving is a Balaam.
You sold your voice just because he is on our side.

You are exhibiting the spirit of Balaam where you have sold your voice to the one who is currently in power because you think he is on your side.

I am absolutely against is the Balaam spirit I see with American believers who have sold their voices for political influence, because their party is in power. That makes Christ vomit spiritually.

A lot of believers who gleefully came against Obama (and sometimes rightfully so) when he did foolishness, are now whores to the political right. You have drunk the wine of nationalism thinking it trumps everything else, especially Kingdom.

You have sold your voice and message to the highest bidder, just because your side is in power, and mistaken that for favor. That's called the Balaam spirit.

It means that no one can ever challenge or critique the infantile posture of the person in power, because after all, it's better than having a liberal there. It's an massive idol in the evangelical heart here in America.
You cannot even say when something is not right. You just rationalize for it, because your side is in power.
Then people go on and say, Trump is the anointed one. People make excuses such as he is a baby Christian or that God says to forgive, so just forgive everything he does. That children should be taken away because all of them are illegal.

Don't you realize how hypocritical this is?

We should be thinking about how we cannot be sold to a political ideology and to nationalism and Americanism as a believer in Christ.

Perhaps then many will take us seriously when they know we as believers cannot be bought politically, and when there is little or no gap between what we say and what we do.

And of yes.. I do pray for Trump, just as I prayed for Obama.

At the same time, I have a lot of respect for believers who say "I support Trump... I voted for him, but this is what I like and don't like what I see especially as a believer"

But there are too few and far between or too afraid to speak. A well position prophet of the Old Testament calibre would be in front of the white house this morning, condemning the injustices he sees, not rationalizing it.

However every believer should always be ready to stand up for the disenfranchised, for the downtrodden, to also stand for mercy, truth and justice, and to challenge the status quo when that is not done. Even when Republicans are in power and not when it is "easy" to do so when Democrats are in power.
The Balaam spirit needs to be cast out of the American church, starting with Rod Jeffress, Paula White and Jerry Falwell Jnr. and Franklin Graham.


  1. IThe evangelical Church in America needs to repent. The good thing is that they have exposed the truth about who they really are and their biases are a stain on the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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