God of War

Our God, revealed as Christ the Lord, is a prince of peace... He is no longer a man of war. He is no longer at war. Let's stop acting as if He is always at war. 

It seems as believers and especially in prophetic circles we love to position God as a Man of War and dance a war dance, but extremely hesitant to declare the war over, adopt a redemptive mindset and celebrate the Prince of Peace

He was a warrior when he struck Egypt and plunged Pharaoh and his armies into the Red sea. (Ex 15:3-4)

But his true intent is always peace and healing. 

Though he did strike Egypt, he heals it (Isa 19:22), and they, at the end of the day, become the work of His hands (including sworn enemies Assyria).

He struck Jerusalem many times and finally in AD 70, which was the day of wrath, but we all know Israel is saved. 

Here is the Principle: Whomever He strikes, He heals. He must heal what He strikes [Ex 21:26-16]. In fact, if He does strike, you qualify to become the work of His hands. 

At the end of the day, there is only One strike that matters. We esteemed Christ stricken by God, wounded for our transgressions, but the reality was, we were all struck in Christ, and it was for our peace as Isaiah puts it, "The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed." Now you understand, why peace came from striking. That day was the true judgement on this world. This was the true Memorial Day. 

 No more man of war. He made peace, in Christ, reconciling every single human in Him.



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