Kingdom means more than Republican, Democrat and American
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Kingdom means more than Republican, Democrat and American
When Republicans or Democrats do what is right according to Kingdom principles, then that is the side I am on. When Republicans or Democrats don't do what is right according to Kingdom principles, then I am not on that side.
The only side I am on is the Kingdom and its principles.
When democrats are for gay marriage and abortion I am their biggest challenger. Similarly when believers act like Balaam and sell their voices and turn a blind eye to the wrongs of Republicans just because their side is in power, I will also challenge it.
As believers in Christ, our voices cannot be bought by this world system. I rather obey God than man.
There is NO side to choose. There is only One Side.
You can vote either Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, but they don't have your heart and that is not your identity.
Can there be Democrats and are in the Kingdom? Absolutely.
Kingdom means taking care of the poor, widows, orphans etc.
Kingdom means standing for injustices - ALL injustices, including social injustices. Are you triggered because I said "Social injustices??"
Kingdom means that mercy, justice is valued more than doggedly following the law at all costs.
"You have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith." - Christ. The weightier matters of the law are mercy and justice. <--- REPUBLICANS FORGET ABOUT THIS.
Kingdom means the common good is JUST AS IMPORTANT as individual liberty.
Kingdom means that the law was made for man, not man for the law. (I chuckle when it comes down to immigration, that people have no compassion and declare "throw them all out, they are not obeying the law", and yet want to declare as a believer they are not under "Moses law" but under Grace. They are quick also to ignore the infantile behavior by Trump, because after all, He is a believer. So there is a ton of mercy for Trump but none for some illegal immigrants who deserve it.)
Kingdom means preserving life AT ALL stages, including being against abortion, but valuing adoptions, refugees, strangers, feeding the poor, looking after the homeless etc.
Kingdom means marriage is ONLY between a man and a woman.
Kingdom means that all nations of this earth have become the Kingdom of our God and all governments are God's servants. Therefore we do hold governments accountable, and governments can also help to be God's arm to execute justice, bring about peace and provide a social net.
I am Kingdom. Not Liberal and Not conservative.
I vote along the above whether republican and democrat.
What I am not, is opening all my orifices and becoming a whore to one party especially the Republican party just because supposedly they are the party of God. The Republican party is just as corrupt and hypocritical as the other side.
Repeat after me. I am Kingdom. Be obedient now. I did not hear you. Repeat. I am Kingdom. Now go live it.
Other material Evangelicals Made a Bad Bargain With Trump
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