Does Abortion glorify God?

Someone asked if Abortion glorifies God?

The answer is no it does not glorify God; neither does dying of any human, neither does lack of healthcare, neither does injustice, neither does worship of the military, of capitalism, neither does corruption in government, neither does lying from Trump and government officials, neither does denying people opportunities or giving preferences to the rich and wealthy, neither does capitulating to corporations.

None of them glorify God but that are done. Eliminate all those things as well as abortion.

As someone else said, the Bible has FAR, FAR more to say about pride, about abusing power to mistreat the poor, about lying, about treating others with hatred, about humility, about seeking forgiveness, about faithfulness -- about ALL of that than it does about abortion.

"Did you know - between 1981 and 2016, the sharpest decline in abortion rates occurred under Democratic Presidents - not under Republican Presidents. The rates especially dropped under the leadership of President Obama and continued to decline after he left office. Most everyone agrees the reason for this is because access to contraception is key in preventing pregnancies. And under the Affordable Care Act, contraception coverage became more widespread. Even though some states enacted new abortion restrictions between 2011 and 2017, by 2017 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in states that had not enacted new abortion restrictions. So there is evidence that pursuing legal action isn’t necessary (or effective) to reduce the amount of abortions.

I am pro-life. I would like to see zero abortions. I also want to honor and value the lives of women who find themselves in the position of considering abortion. Those lives also matter to me. So I don’t believe criminalizing the choice is the best way to truly help those women. I think public policies that offer help and hope -- financial and medical - are the best ways to reduce abortions.

Therefore, as disciples of Christ, we should and will support programs that help the women who are most likely to feel that abortion is their only option, candidates who support making effective contraception affordable and accessible to everyone.

Disciples of Christ should be the first ones who values all life, not just the aborted life. Refugees’ lives. Women’s lives. Black lives. Poor lives. Lives during a pandemic. The lives of people who disagree with you.

You see, when you say you’re pro-life, and don't do this, I can’t take any of you seriously.


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