Being Put Away is NOT the Same as Divorce

Put Away (apoluo) Does Not = Divorce (apostasion)

Look at Mark 10:4 as a prime example..

They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce [apostasion], and to dismiss her. [apoluo]”

Christ said “Whosoever shall put away (apoluo) his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement (apostasion) [the proper way to divorce someone is to give a bill of divorce when separating]: 32 but I say unto you, that every one that put away (apoluo) his wife [without a written bill of divorce], saving for the cause of fornication [Greek word is porneias.. we will explore this later], makes her an adulteress [that is if fornication is the reason, and there was NO bill of divorce, then She is NOT an adulteress]: and whosoever shall marry her when she is put away (apoluo) [without a bill of divorce] commits adultery. 

[Matt 5:31-32]
Note: put away is not the same as divorce. To put away is just a separation. The greek word for put away is Greek "apolysē", that is, to send someone away. For it to be a proper divorce you have to give a written bill of divorcement.

He confirms that the law says if you put away (separate from) a woman you must give a bill of divorce so as to not accuse the woman of adultery. If you put away a woman, that is separate from her, without a bill of divorce, you have already caused her to commit adultery, and the person who marries her commits adultery also. There is only one exception, where a written bill of divorce was not required, and that is for fornication.

Divorce is not necessary a sin, it is as a result of sin and having the experience of an unlawful union, thereby nullifying the contact. Even God was a Divorcee. Just make sure you were not the sinful party else repent.

You cannot just have long periods of separation and do whatever you want.

You need a bill of divorce, so this a decision not one of passion but deliberation.

You also cannot divorce for any reason. If you do, then don’t remarry if you can.

Biblical Reasons for Divorce are
  1. Adultery (including lust, porn)
  2. Fornication (you engaged in sexual relationship before marriage and deceived the other, without full disclosure)
  3. Abuse and neglect (including if a woman is not treated properly, and is not being provided with food, clothing and marital rights (that is general loss of favor, as especially evidenced when the man takes another wife) then she must be set free. So a woman can legally ask for a divorce when the marriage is a sham.)
  4. Unbeliever wants out, wants an annulment.

Plus God Himself was a Divorcee for those same reasons.


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