
Showing posts from October, 2020

Six Steps to The Throne Series

  Christ did not [just] die for us. He died AS us. When He was crucified, you and your old man were Crucified. When He was buried, you and your old man were Buried. When He died, you and your old man Died. When He was quickened, you and your new man were Quickened. When He was raised, you and your new man were Raised. When He was seated, you and your new man were Seated. You cannot effectively learn theology, be a disciple of Christ, if you are not very clear of what occurred on the Cross, and what happened to you when Christ died and rose, even while you considered God your enemy in your mind. Every believer owes it to Him/Herself to study to foolishness of the Cross. Here I offer the late Gary Garner's Great work "Six Steps to the Throne" for your review. Without this foundation, nothing in the New Covenant would make sense to you. Nothing in the New Testament is wrong studying if this is not done first. You have to count all other positions, doctrine, status, p

Step 6 Seated - Six Steps to the Throne Series

SIX STEPS TO THE THRONE Gary Garner Lesson Six:  SEATED Of all the things that we are about here, if we can get these six steps and the foundational truths revolving around those steps, we’ve got what really is the heart of this part of the body of Christ: the six steps to the throne. We’ve just looked at I Kings 10 as one of many different places that we could have started from.  We could have started from the six paces that David went with the ark on the way back to Jerusalem.  He went six paces, stopped and prayed.  Six steps to the throne.  We could have started from the Book of Ruth, where Boaz gave her six measures of barely.  It’s the same principle.  There are many places in scripture.  We’ve chosen this place because it is a picture of Solomon’s kingdom at its height, which parallels the kingdom of God.  Jesus is king, ruling and reigning over all the earth on His throne. Understand something as we proceed with this message: God’s throne is not a seat somewhere i

Step 5 Raised - Six Steps to the Throne Series

SIX STEPS TO THE THRONE Gary Garner Lesson Five:  RAISED     1 Kings 10: 18 Moreover, the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold. 19 The throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was round behind: and there were stays on either side on the place of the seat, and two lions stood beside the stays. 20 And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps: there was not the like made in any kingdom. This king was Solomon; he had a kingdom that best typifies what the kingdom of God is symbolized as in the scriptures. The war was over; David, his predecessor, had defeated all the enemies; and he was just enjoying the spoils of victory that David had wrought.  Just like this kingdom that we are enjoying spiritually. The King, Jesus, who has defeated all the enemies, produces all that we are enjoying and we are enjoying that. As this kingdom grows within us, we have this expressed symbolically by Solomon’s kingdom.  We

Step 4 Quickened - Six Steps to the Throne Series

SIX STEPS TO THE THRONE Gary Garner Lesson Four:  QUICKENED       We’ve gone through three steps; this is the fourth one. We have covered being crucified, died with Christ, and being buried with Him.  First we will proclaim from the scriptures that you have been quickened, or made alive, with Christ.We’re going to do it by using two scriptures. I Peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. Where the King James says by the Spirit, actually the Greek says “ in” the Spirit. When it says “being put to death in the flesh,” that word “ in” is the same Greek word that is translated “ by” in “but quickened by the Spirit.” It has to be translated “but put to death in the flesh, but quickened in the Spirit.” That second one doesn’t make any sense at all.  But “quickened in the Spirit” - Jesus was quickened. That word quickened is just an old English wo

Step 3 Buried - Six Steps to the Throne Series

SIX STEPS TO THE THRONE Gary Garner Lesson Three:  BURIED We would like to begin this phase of our study by focusing our attention on the number “six” in scripture.  Numbers in the Word have symbolic meanings. By understanding these meanings you can get a clearer view of what the Holy Spirit is revealing in a passage of scripture. In the book of Ruth we see that Ruth was given six measures of barley (Ruth 3:15,17) . Jesus filled up six waterpots with water and turned them into wine (John 2:6). The candlestick in Moses’ Tabernacle had one central shaft and then six branches (Ex 25:32).  You remember that on the table of shewbread, the bread was divided into two stacks of six each. I think it would be beneficial, as we continue this series on “Six Steps to the Throne,”  to show you how many times the number “six” is spoken of in scripture. There is something important about those six things that Jesus did.  The Bible says when they were bringing back the ark of the covenant