How Does The Holy Spirit Convicts us of Sin, Righteousness and of Judgment

What does it mean that the Holy spirit "convicts" the world of sin, righteousness and of judgment.


Note: The word "convict"  is not for condemnation but to convince others of a thought pattern misaligned with His.

So, how does the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and of judgment?  Here is the good news.

"The Holy Spirit is a Master at convincing the world and us, that sin has been dealt with, so we need to believe Christ that it is done, that right standing with God is possible because He is with the Father and we don’t need to see Him physically to convince us that righteousness is truly a dominant reality on the earth (not sin), and that this is assured, because judgment was completed since the ruler of this world was judged."

Attitude Alert: If we are ok with the Holy Spirit "convicting" the world of sin, we should be ok with the Holy Spirit "convicting" the world of righteousness also.


Full Explanation:

“Nevertheless  I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I  do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will  send Him to you.  And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:  of sin, because they do not believe in Me;  of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more;  of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.”  [John 16:7-11]

What does it mean that the Holy spirit "convicts" the world of sin, righteousness and of judgment.

Believers love to use the verse as proof that the Holy Spirit is convicting the world. 

But do we really understand what this important work is really about in a New Covenant context? Do we understand that the word for convict can be better render as per the Greek as “to convince” as oppose “to condemn”?  He corrects our view on these issues and teaches us to think correctly on these matters.

The word "convict"  is not for condemnation but to convince others of a thought pattern misaligned with His.

Attitude Alert: If we are ok with the Holy Spirit "convicting" the world of sin, we should be ok with the Holy Spirit "convicting" the world of righteousness also.

So, the New Covenant Age which we are in now, is the time when the Holy Spirit convinces the world of sin, righteousness and righteousness.  Why would the Holy Spirit convinces the world of sin, righteousness and righteousness? Why would He have need to do this?  What does his mean? 

The Holy Spirit convinces the world -

  • Of sin,  because the world does not believe  in Him, believe that He completely, irrevocably dealt with it.  Completely.  We still look around at bad things happening and assume that this is evidence that it has not been dealt with by the Lamb, who declared that He did take away the sin of the world.  The world needs the Holy Spirit to convince them that He did deal with sin, once and for all and to believe Him.
  • Of righteousness, because He is now with the Father, and we see Him no more.  He is no longer visible in the flesh as a human.  Therefore the world needs to be convinced that righteousness, or right standing with God, which is the antidote of sin is possible and has been achieved.  We don’t need to see Him, to know that we have been made righteousness.   Just because He isn’t here physically does not mean we are not as righteous as He is.  Because He is no longer visible to our eyes,  we cannot act as if we have a license to sin, or we need Him physically here for righteousness on the earth to be a reality.   We don't need to see Him physically to be righteous, or to have righteousness reign on the earth.  We are righteous now in Him.
  • Of judgment, since the ruler of the world has already been judged. The Holy Spirit needs to convince us that Satan has already been condemned.  He needs to remind us  and the world, that the true judgment of the world, which was Him dying on the cross.    We are not yet convinced that the Supreme Court Judgement has already occurred, the Verdict to rule all verdicts has been decreed, and that any other judgment we see in the future are based ONLY on WORKS for accountability, which are lower level court judgments, and completely subjected to the Verdict at the cross, which is all men died in Him, when He died.

So, how to summarize, does the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and of judgment?  Here is the good news.  

"The Holy Spirit is a Master at convincing the world and us, that sin has been dealt with, so we need to believe Christ that it is done, that right standing with God is possible because He is with the Father and we don’t need to see Him physically to convince us that righteousness is truly a dominant reality on the earth (not sin), and that this is assured, because final judgment was completed since the ruler of this world was judged, and any other judgment, is one of works and submit to the judgment of the cross, no matter how much punishment/ discipline is needed, no matter how long it takes.  The Cross will win."

This  is the active work of the Holy Spirit now.



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