Day 63, March 4 Bible Reading

Day 63,  March 4

Num. 3:40-51        Counting and redemption of firstborn Israelite males

Num. 3:14-39        Counting and duties of Levite families and clans

Num. 4:34-49        Counting of Levite clans

Num. 4:1-33  Duties of the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites

Num. 10:1-10        The two silver trumpets

Num. 3:14-39        Counting and duties of Levite families and clans

  • Num 3:14-20 The Levites were counted.  These were the sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, Merari.

  • Num 3:21-26  The number of Gershonites were 7,500.  They camped to the west of the Tabernacle. The Gershonites were in charge of the tabernacle, the screen door, the Tabernacle’s curtains and skins over those curtains.   

  • Num 3:27-31 The number of the Kohathites were 8600. They camped to the south of the Tabernacle. The Kohathites were in charge of the ark, the table of shewbread, the lapstand, the altars, and utensils.

  • Num 3:32-37 The number of the Merarites were 6200. They camped to the north of the Tabernacle. They were in charge of the walls/ boards, bars, pillars, sockets, utensils, pillars.

  • Num 3:38-39 Who camped to the east with Judah? Moses, Aaron and his sons.

  • The number of all the Levites from 1 month old is 22,000

Num. 3:40-51        Counting and redemption of firstborn Israelite males

  • Num 3:40-43 Number of firstborn makes counted from 1 month old was 22,273

  • Num 3:44-51 The Levites were taken instead of all the firstborn of all Israel, including their livestock. The number of Levites was 22,000.  There were 273 more Israelite firstborns than Levites. God said they had to be redeemed, 5 shekels each, 1,365 shekels in all.  This was given to Aaron and his sons. 

  • Why the importance of the Firstborn?  Remember the Birthright? Well the Levites now got the Birthright that Adam had, the Fruitfulness and the Dominion. They were Priests to God.  God was King and they represented the entire How God made Adam and Abraham fruitful.

Num. 4:34-49        Counting of Levite clans

  • Num 4:34-37 The number of Kohathites from 30 years old to 50, who can serve, is 2750.

  • Num 4:38-41 The number of the sons of Gershon from 30 years old to 50, who can serve, is 2630.

  • Num 4:42-45 The number of the sons of Merari from 30 years old to 50, who can serve, is 3200

  • Num 4:46-49 The number of all the Levites from 30 years old to 50, who can serve, is 8580

Num. 4:1-33  Duties of the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites

Notice how much blue cloth and badger skins were used.

  • Num 4:1-15  these are the duties of sons of Kohath from 30 to 50 years old. When it is time to break camp and journey:

    • They have to take down the veil and cover the ark with it.

    • They covered it with badger skins, and put a blue cloth over it. Then carry it with poles.

    • They also cover the table of showbread with a blue loth, put all the dishes, pans, bowls, pitchers, bread and then covered with a scarlet cloth and then badger skins

    • Similarly the lampstand was covered with blue cloth and then badger skins

    • Same with golden altar of incense, and all the utensils, blue cloth and badger skins

    • The ashes from the altar though were covered with purple cloth though.

  • Num 4:16 Eleazar;s duty was the oil for the lampstand, sweet incense, daily grain offering, anointing oil and oversight of all the tabernacle. 

  • Num 4:17-20 

    • The Kohathites were to wait until Aaron and his sons covered everything before they went in to carry them, since if they saw any of it they will all die and there would be one less branch of Levites.  Now you understand why God responded the way He did when David move the ark on a cart.  It’s a wonder He did not obliterate the cart as soon as it was placed on it, or killed everyone who saw it.  He only killed Uzzah who touched it. [2 Sam 6:1-6]

  • Num 4:21-28 these are the duties of sons of Gershon from 30 to 50 years old. When it is time to break camp and journey: Carry the curtains, the roof of badger skins and goat skins, the door screen etc.

  • Num 4:29-33  these are the duties of sons of Merari from 30 to 50 years old. When it is time to break camp and journey: They are responsible for all the acacia wood walls, or sideboards, with all the pillars and sockets.

Num. 10:1-10        The two silver trumpets

  • Num 10:1-7 Two trumpets or shofars were made. They were also used at the Feast of trumpets.  When you sound both the entire congregation gathers at the tabernacle of meeting. When you blow one trumpet, it was only for the leaders and heads of all the divisions and tribes. When you sound the advance, the camps on the east led by Judah go first, then the camps in the south which are the tribes led by Rueben.  Not sure why the account left out the tribes on the west and north.   

  • Num 10:8 Aaron and the priests are keepers and and blowers of the trumpet.

  • Num 10:9-10 To have God remember the children of Israel they have to blow the trumpets and then they will be saved.   At the beginning of the months and on the days if the feasts the trumpets are blown over the burnt and peace offerings.


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