Day 67, March 8 Bible Reading

In 1911 mummified remains were found by guano hunters in Lovelock Cave, a large rock shelter in Nevada’s Lake Lahontan region. According to legend, these skeletons belong to a cannibalistic tribe of red-haired giants.

Known to the Paiute indians as the Si-Te-Cah, these cannibals were at war with the Paiute until a number of tribes came together and trapped the Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave, started a fire and asphyxiated them.
Post credit: Raven

Day 67,  March 8

Num. 21:1-9 The destruction of Arad (Hormah) / The bronze serpent

Num. 21:10-20 / Deut. 2:1-23 From the Red Sea to Moab

Num. 21:21-32 / Deut. 2:24-37 The defeat of Sihon

Num. 21:33-35 / Deut. 3:1-11 The defeat of Og

Num. 21:1-9 The destruction of Arad (Hormah) / The bronze serpent

  • Num 21:1-3 One positive experience. Finally. Israel made a vow to God that If He would deliver Arad and the Canaanites, who wanted to fight Israel and took some prisoners, into their hand, then they would utterly destroy their cities.  Well God wanted to utterly destroy them anyway,  so He obliged.  The place was called “Utter Destruction” or Hormah.

  • Num 21:4-9 Well that did not last very long. Because Edom would not let them through Israel had to go around the land of Edom, and take the Way of the Red Sea. They complained again about dying in the wilderness with no food.  They even disparaged the manna.  So God sent fiery serpents.  What the heck are fiery serpents?  That is a pretty strange description.  The word for “fiery” is the same as “Seraph” or “Seraphim” in Isa 6:2 “Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.” These could have been natural vipers or some other worldly creatures God sent. 

  • Once again they cried out to Moses, Moses pleaded with God, God stopped the plague.  This time Moses made a pole with a bronze serpent on it, so that those who look upon it will live.

  • Christ identified Himself also as the One to be lifted up to provide healing and life. 

  • “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”  [John 3:13-15]

Num. 21:10-20 / Deut. 2:1-23 From the Red Sea to Moab

  • Num 21:10-20 A list of all the places Israel camped at between Mount Hor to Moab

    • Oboth → Ije Abarim [east of Moab] →  Valley of Zered → other side of Arnon, wilderness between Moad and Amorites → Beer [This is where Hagar was told by the Angel that God sees her and will have a son, therefore the place is called “Beer Lahai Roi” “You are the God who Sees”, which was between Kadesh and Bered. (Gen 16:14). Isaac dwelt there after Abraham’s death (Gen 25:11)]

    • Note who said that Beer was not in the Bible. 

    • From Beer → Mattanah → Nahaliel → Bamoth a valley in Moab → Pisgah

    • Notice a Book called “the Wars of the Lord” was quoted from.  This Book no longer exists.

  • Deut 2:1-9 Edom and Moab were not to be disturbed.  God did not give Israel their land.

  • Deut 2:10-12 Some of the Giants were named: The Emim

  • Deut 2:13-15 From Kadesh Barnea to Valley of Zered was 38 LONG years

  • Deut 2:16-19 Again When all the men of Israel perished in the wilderness they came to Ar or Aron and were told don;t come near the people of Ammon

  • Deut 2:20-23 Interestingly Edom and Ammon already possessed their lands that GOD gave them.   So you thought that Yahweh only dealt with Israel right? Wrong. It is NOT Israel ONLY. Observe that Edom and Ammon already got the lands that God already promised to give to them before Israel did.  The Bible said God gave them their possession.  And God did so by dispossessing the giants from their lands, the Emim and Horites from Edom and the Zamaummim from Ammon.  God was the one who fought their battles and destroyed the Rephaim.  Yahweh was still fighting the Nephilim and their descendants since Gen 6  

Num. 21:21-32 / Deut. 2:24-37 The defeat of Sihon

  • Deut 2:24-25 After close to 40 years their first battle to possess the land.  It was against the Amorites and against King Sihon of Heshbon.  I like this description “This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you upon the nations under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you, and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you.’”

  • Deut 2:26-29  This is strange. Moses says that Edom/ Esau let them passed when Numbers 20 explicitly says Esau/ Edom did not let them pass.  Mistake in the Bible? So Did Esau/ Edom Let Israel Pass or not? 

    • This says no: "Now Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom. “Thus says your brother Israel: ‘You know all the hardship that has befallen us, 15 how our fathers went down to Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt a long time, and the Egyptians [c]afflicted us and our fathers. 16 When we cried out to the Lord, He heard our voice and sent the Angel and brought us up out of Egypt; now here we are in Kadesh, a city on the edge of your border. 17 Please let us pass through your country. We will not pass through fields or vineyards, nor will we drink water from wells; we will go along the King’s Highway; we will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left until we have passed through your territory.’ ”18 Then Edom said to him, “You shall not pass through my land, lest I come out against you with the sword.”" Num 20: 14-18 

    • This says yes: "“And I sent messengers from the Wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon, with words of peace, saying, 27 ‘Let me pass through your land; I will keep strictly to the road, and I will turn neither to the right nor to the left. 28 You shall sell me food for money, that I may eat, and give me water for money, that I may drink; only let me pass through on foot, 29 just as the descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir and the Moabites who dwell in Ar did for me, until I cross the Jordan to the land which the Lord our God is giving us.’" Deut 2:16-19 

    • It looks like Edom initially refused on the western side of their mountains but on the eastern side, they allowed the Israelites to pass. God indicated that they were to purchase food and water from them with money [Deut 2:1-6].

  • Deut 2:30-37 Sihon would not let them pass.  God hardened his heart (where have we heard this one before).  Israel utterly destroyed man, woman and all the little ones.  All the kids.  All the children and babies killed.  The livestock were spared. 

Num. 21:33-35 / Deut. 3:1-11 The defeat of Og

  • Next the Kingdom of Og in Bashan.  They took 60 cities in the region of Argob, utterly destroying man, woman, and every child in every city, keeping the livestock and the spoil of the cities as their booty. All the land of the Amorites on this side of the river Jordan were taken. Og was the last of the remnant of the Giants.


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