Day 68, March 9 Bible Reading

Day 68,  March 9

Num. 33:1-49        Journeys of the Israelites from Egypt to Moab

Num. 22:1-20        Balak summons Balaam to curse the Israelites

Num. 33:1-49        Journeys of the Israelites from Egypt to Moab

Num. 22:1-20        Balak summons Balaam to curse the Israelites

Israel just defeated the Amorites under King Sihon who had himself conquered some of the lands from Ar the previous king of Maob. King Og (nasty sounding fellow) of Bashan was defeated  next.  You can see Israel growing in strength as a might nation, yet still had lessons to learn in being content in God.  

Balak, the King of Moab and the elders of Moab began to be afraid and they enlist Balaam to prophesy against Israel.

Let’s observe how an esteem prophet such as Balaam listened to God. 

God explicitly told him not to go with the elders of Moab to curse Israel for they were blessed.  

I think that this is astounding because after all Israel has been through and after on three occasions He wanted to wipe them out, He still declared them blessed.  

Blessed therefore is having God dwell among you, and having His voice is active in your midst to turn you away from you iniquities.  This is how all nations will be blessed [Acts 3:26].   Being Bless, like how Abraham was blessed, is turning you away from your iniquities.  Note also that to be blessed, does not mean the avoidance or the absence of a wilderness experience.  

God denied Balaam to curse Israel.  

However like any good business man, Balak had increased the hit man fee.  Balaam then wanted to approach God again to see if he would change his mind.  Notice God told him go this time, but did so, as he wanted to kill him along the way.  This is both hilarious and scary.

This tells me if you insist, God can answer you based on the idols of your heart.  You NEVER  want God to do so.   If God gives you total freedom, immediately check yourself into His jail.

You want God to respond to you based on His Voice in active construction on the inside. 

This is effectively the Urim and Thummin on your breastplace. That’s the voice you should listen to.  Only after God taught Balaam a lesson, by having a donkey speak to him, then he truly allowed Him to go and speak God’s Voice.


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