Day 60, March 1 Bible Reading

Day 60,  March 1

Lev. 23:15-22 / Num. 28:26-31 / Deut. 16:9-12  Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost, Harvest)

Lev. 23:23-25 / Num. 29:1-6      Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah, New Year’s Day)

Lev. 16:29-34 / 23:26-32 / Num. 29:7-11        Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

Lev. 23:33-44 / Num. 29:12-40 / Deut. 16:13-17       Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot, Booths, Ingathering)

Deut.  15:19-23     Offering of firstborn animals

Ex. 30:11-16  The census offering

Lev. 23:15-22 / Num. 28:26-31 / Deut. 16:9-12  Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost, Harvest)

  • Lev 23:15-21 From the day of the Sabbath right after the Passover which is the wave sheaf offering, count seven Sabbaths, and on the 50th day after Passover, Pentecost f Feast of Weeks is celebrated.  A grain offering is made: 2 loaves 2/10 ephah of flour made with leaven.  Pentecost has leaven.  Also offer: 7 first year lambs, 1 bull, 2 rams, as burnt offerings; 1 goat kid as sin offering, 2 male lambs as peace offerings.  The first fruits at Pentecost is a wave offering.  The Day of Pentecost is the seventh Sabbath, a day of holy convocation. 

  • Lev 23:22 This is Divine welfare: Don’t even reap the harvest of the land, but leave the corners for the poor and stranger. In God's economy, the way a social net was created, it was the law of the land that economic producers, in particular in this economy, all landowners left the corners of the land for the poor to harvest. The principle was that if you were in need you have to get up, and harvest your favorite corner, freely, even if you are harvesting something you did not plant.

  • Num 28:26-31 Numbers seem to give different numbers for the sacrifices to accompany the firstfuits at the Feast of Weeks/ Pentecost: It says you offer 7 first year lambs, 2 bulls (not 1 as in Lev 23:15-21), 1 rams (not 2 as in Lev 23:15-21), as burnt offerings;1 goat kid as sin offering, It makes no mention of a peace offering.  It adds 3/10 ephah for each bull, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 7 lambs. 1 goat kid as sin offering, 2 male lambs as peace offerings.  The first fruits at Pentecost is a wave offering.  

Lev. 23:23-25 / Num. 29:1-6      Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah, New Year’s Day)

  • Lev 23:23-25 The first day of the seventh month is also a Sabbath.  Can’t you see Sabbaths are not just the 7th day?  This is the Feast of Trumpets

  • Num 29:1-6 Offering at Feast of Trumpets: burnt offering - 1 young bull, 1ram, 7 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each bull, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 7 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.  

Lev. 16:29-34 / 23:26-32 / Num. 29:7-11        Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

  • Day of Atonement is on the 10th day of the seventh month, where it is a time to “afflict your soul. This is when the priest makes atonement with the two goats, one a scapegoat as we read earlier.  This is done once a year.

  • Num 29:7-11 in addition  burnt offering - 1 young bull, 1ram, 7 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each bull, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 7 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.  

Lev. 23:33-44 / Num. 29:12-40 / Deut. 16:13-17       Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot, Booths, Ingathering)

  • Lev 23:33-44 After the 1st day of the seventh month, which was the Feast of Trumpets, a Sabbath, then on the 10th the Day of Atonement, now comes the Feast of Tabernacles from the 15th to the 22nd, with the first and seventh day a Sabbath also.  This is like a mirror of  Feast of Unleavened Bread from the 15th to 22nd in the first month.  

  • On the 15th you take the fruit and branches of palm trees and rejoice before the Lord.  They made booths and lived in them for 7 days.  Then on the 8th day, it was a perpetual sabbath.

  • Num 29:12-40  Each day has an offering

    • First Day: burnt offering - 13 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 13 bull, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.  

    • Second  Day: burnt offering - 12 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 12 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.  

    • Third  Day: burnt offering - 11 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 11 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

    • Fourth  Day: burnt offering - 10 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 10 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

    • Fifth  Day: burnt offering - 9 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 9 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

    • Sixth Day: burnt offering - 8 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 8 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

    • Seventh  Day: burnt offering - 7 young bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 7 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

    • Eighth Day: burnt offering - 1 young bulls, 1 rams, 14 lambs in first year; grain offering -  3/10  3/10 ephah for each of 12 bulls, 2/10 for each ram and 1/10 for each of 14 lambs; sin offering - 1 goat kid along with drink offerings.

  • Deut 16:13-17 The Feast of Tabernacles is the Harvesting of the Grapes, where you also thresh in a winepress. It is a time of rejoicing for everyone, a big party.

Deut.  15:19-23     Offering of firstborn animals

  • All the first born males from the herd and flock are the Lord’s. They are to do no work nor have their wool shorn.  Good life right? Wait not so fast,  they are to be eaten before the Lord year after year.  If there is a defect you shall not sacrifice it.  Cannot eat blood.  

Ex. 30:11-16  The census offering

  • Anytime a census of the people is taken, to ensure that there is no plague, each person 20 years old and above has to buy back their lives for ½ a shekel. The rich and poor must pay the same ransom money as an offering.  So what do you think about that?


  1. Still trying to understand what ordinary work is in Leviticus 29.


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