
Showing posts from 2020

Tips on Purchasing a Car from a Dealer

  Purchasing a car from a dealer tips: 1. DO NOT Focus on Monthly Payments Only 2. Know about the difference between MSRP and invoice price. MSRP is what manufacturers suggest as the retail price. Invoice is what the dealer pays to the manufacturer. As an example, if MSRP or sticker price is 25000 and Invoice Price is 20000, you can negotiate a price between that. 3. Suppose for example you offered 21,300 and the dealer accepted. Great. You only paid 1300 above the invoice price, and 3700 off MSRP, BUT, don't celebrate too much yet. Dealers don't make money here.  They know that.  They will allow you celebrate here, knowing that that they will get you later. NOTE: Never take the 0% interest rate from the deal. That would be at MSRP. Better to get a low price and get 2-3% from bank. Never negotiate from MSRP down. Negotiate from invoice price up. Always KNOW your principal amount you want, your rate and monthly payment. See below. DON"T JUST FOCUS ON MONTHLY PAY

Are you Divorced? God Divorced Also

  Special Musing on Divorce (Deut. 24:1-4) (Originally written on April 7th, 2012, and posted in the group Bible Musings Book by Book ) “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce , puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, 2  when she has departed from his house, and goes and becomes another man’s wife, 3  if the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her as his wife, 4  then her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord , and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. Deut. 24:1-4 How to Properly and Lawfully Divorce Someone -  In the ancient near eastern civil

Being Put Away is NOT the Same as Divorce

Put Away (apoluo) Does Not = Divorce (apostasion) Look at Mark 10:4 as a prime example.. They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce [apostasion] , and to dismiss her. [apoluo]” Christ said “Whosoever shall put away (apoluo) his wife, let him give her a writing of d ivorcement (apostasion) [the proper way to divorce someone is to give a bill of divorce when separating]: 32 but I say unto you, that every one that put away (apoluo) his wife [without a written bill of divorce], saving for the cause of fornication [Greek word is porneias.. we will explore this later], makes her an adulteress [that is if fornication is the reason, and there was NO bill of divorce, then She is NOT an adulteress]: and whosoever shall marry her when she is put away (apoluo) [without a bill of divorce] commits adultery.   [Matt 5:31-32] Note: put away is not the same as divorce. To put away is just a separation. The greek word for put away is Greek "apolysÄ“", that is, to s

Does Abortion glorify God?

Someone asked if Abortion glorifies God? The answer is no it does not glorify God; neither does dying of any human, neither does lack of healthcare, neither does injustice, neither does worship of the military, of capitalism, neither does corruption in government, neither does lying from Trump and government officials, neither does denying people opportunities or giving preferences to the rich and wealthy, neither does capitulating to corporations. None of them glorify God but that are done. Eliminate all those things as well as abortion. As someone else said, the Bible has FAR, FAR more to say about pride, about abusing power to mistreat the poor, about lying, about treating others with hatred, about humility, about seeking forgiveness, about faithfulness -- about ALL of that than it does about abortion. "Did you know - between 1981 and 2016, the sharpest decline in abortion rates occurred under Democratic Presidents - not under Republican Presidents. The rates especially droppe

Kingdom means more than Republican, Democrat and American

Image  Kingdom means more than Republican, Democrat and American When Republicans or Democrats do what is right according to Kingdom principles, then that is the side I am on. When Republicans or Democrats don't do what is right according to Kingdom principles, then I am not on that side. The only side I am on is the Kingdom and its principles. When democrats are for gay marriage and abortion I am their biggest challenger. Similarly when believers act like Balaam and sell their voices and turn a blind eye to the wrongs of Republicans just because their side is in power, I will also challenge it. As believers in Christ, our voices cannot be bought by this world system. I rather obey God than man. There is NO side to choose. There is only One Side. You can vote either Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, but they don't have your heart and that is not your identity. --- Can there be Democrats and are in the Kingdom? Absolutely. --- Ki

God of War

Our God, revealed as Christ the Lord, is a prince of peace... He is no longer a man of war. He is no longer at war. Let's stop acting as if He is always at war.  It seems as believers and especially in prophetic circles we love to position God as a Man of War and dance a war dance, but extremely hesitant to declare the war over, adopt a redemptive mindset and celebrate the Prince of Peace .  He was a warrior when he struck Egypt and plunged Pharaoh and his armies into the Red sea. (Ex 15:3-4) But his true intent is always peace and healing.  Though he did strike Egypt, he heals it (Isa 19:22), and they, at the end of the day, become the work of His hands (including sworn enemies Assyria). He struck Jerusalem many times and finally in AD 70, which was the day of wrath, but we all know Israel is saved.  Here is the Principle: Whomever He strikes, He heals. He must heal what He strikes [Ex 21:26-16]. In fact, if He does strike, you qualify to become the work of His hands.  At the

Idols of the Heart - False Prophets

  A LOT of these FALSE TRUMP PROPHETS forget that If you serve the idols in your heart, God will answer you accordingly because you wish to listen to the voice of that idol, rather than His Voice... Trump was your idol. The Republic Party was your idol. Abortion was your idol. "3 “Son of man, these men have set up their *idols in their hearts*, and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity. Should I let Myself be inquired of at all by them? 4 “Therefore speak to them, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Everyone of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, and puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity, and then comes to the prophet, I the Lord will answer him who comes, according to the multitude of his idols, 5 that I may seize the house of Israel by their heart, because they are all estranged from Me by their idols.” ’" [Ezek 14:3-5] --- So what are the gods and idols of the heart I see people worship today in Ameri

False Prophets - Lying Spirit

  "When a Prophet or Man of God becomes attach/align to any political party/ ideology, PUBLICLY. You have given up the right to speak on behalf of God" - Vishnu Singh Now the backtracking begins from all these false prophets who were lying spirits and prophesied from the idols of their heart. All these FALSE TRUMP PROPHETS forget God can send them lying spirits to prophiLIE "Then Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by, on His right hand and on His left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will persuade Ahab to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ So one spoke in this manner, and another spoke in that manner. 21 Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, and said, ‘I will persuade him.’ 22 The Lord said to him, ‘In what way?’ So he said, ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said, ‘You shall persuade him, and also prevail. Go

The American Church is a Balaam Part 1

  <Originally posted Oct 2019> Trump is a fool. For a lot of believers it seems that as long as he is against the unpardonable political sin or abortion, he is free to break any other ethical boundary and he is free to act like a fool. But as long as he is on my Republican side, and against abortion, he can do whatever he wants, even if what he does, and my unconditional support for him, without an iota of push back disparages the name of Christ. I want to see believers even though you can support him politically, not give an excuse for every single lie he says, or every single infantile behavioral conduct he exhibits. Giving him an explicit hall pass is what I'm against. A good prophet of old would have confront him. A Balaam who loves to sell his voice for political gain will not. The American believer who unconditionally supports Trump without a peep of misgiving is a Balaam. You sold your voice just because he is on our side. You are exhibiting the spirit of Balaam where

In Like Manner? Will Christ Come in the Exact Same Way

"Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight...... This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”" Let's discuss "in Like Manner" and see its usage in Scripture: Example 1: "I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." [Jude 1:5-7] Question: - what was the like manner that connecting Israel,

Six Steps to The Throne Series

  Christ did not [just] die for us. He died AS us. When He was crucified, you and your old man were Crucified. When He was buried, you and your old man were Buried. When He died, you and your old man Died. When He was quickened, you and your new man were Quickened. When He was raised, you and your new man were Raised. When He was seated, you and your new man were Seated. You cannot effectively learn theology, be a disciple of Christ, if you are not very clear of what occurred on the Cross, and what happened to you when Christ died and rose, even while you considered God your enemy in your mind. Every believer owes it to Him/Herself to study to foolishness of the Cross. Here I offer the late Gary Garner's Great work "Six Steps to the Throne" for your review. Without this foundation, nothing in the New Covenant would make sense to you. Nothing in the New Testament is wrong studying if this is not done first. You have to count all other positions, doctrine, status, p

Step 6 Seated - Six Steps to the Throne Series

SIX STEPS TO THE THRONE Gary Garner Lesson Six:  SEATED Of all the things that we are about here, if we can get these six steps and the foundational truths revolving around those steps, we’ve got what really is the heart of this part of the body of Christ: the six steps to the throne. We’ve just looked at I Kings 10 as one of many different places that we could have started from.  We could have started from the six paces that David went with the ark on the way back to Jerusalem.  He went six paces, stopped and prayed.  Six steps to the throne.  We could have started from the Book of Ruth, where Boaz gave her six measures of barely.  It’s the same principle.  There are many places in scripture.  We’ve chosen this place because it is a picture of Solomon’s kingdom at its height, which parallels the kingdom of God.  Jesus is king, ruling and reigning over all the earth on His throne. Understand something as we proceed with this message: God’s throne is not a seat somewhere i