The Power of the Resurrection

The Cross is Much More Powerful than what anyone one of us think. How Powerful? It's universal impact is seen in its resounding defeat of sin and death. The Resurrection of Christ was much more powerful than what anyone one of us think. The Resurrection of Christ was so powerful, it altered irrevocably the entire process of death for all of mankind. It completely impacted the death process that began with Adam, with no DELAY or GAPS to its effect and power. Resurrection is a process WITH NO DELAY, NO GAPS , that started in the end of that Age with ONE MAN, Christ's own resurrection, (He does not die again), with an immediate impact as seen by the many OT saints walking around and seen by others. [Matt 27:52] Then at his ascension He did lead captivity captive, as spoils, as firstfruits (perhaps represented by the 144K), and on the last day, at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, a full awakening of everyone else in Sheol, all of Daniel’s people, th...