The Four Living Creatures and Covenants Part 2


I think what is missing from most bible discussions is an understanding that the Bible is about covenants...

When you are reading scripture you have to divide it based on the covenant you are in. You have to rightly divide it.

The Old Testament contains the following covenants:
  • Noah, 
  • Abraham, 
  • Moses, 
  • David. 
So God response to Abraham lying that Sarah was his sister is different to as in Moses.

You have to know what are the terms of the covenant to understand why God responded like that.

The Old Testament is NOT the Old Covenant.

The New Testament is also not all the New Covenant.

In the New Testament when Christ was on the earth before he died, the old Covenant was still inforced. Hence he taught that no one should teach reneging on the law until the law was fulfilled

But Christ begun to introduce the tenants of the New Covenant which was the constitution of the coming Kingdom.

Like as in a election in the US, when there is a new regime, the old is still around during the transition until inauguration day, when Christ died, buried and arose, the New Covenant was instituted because of the death of the testator, and the Old was made obsolete but it vanish away on inauguration day, when Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70.

Heb 8:12 — Heb 8:13
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

This is very important.

God was righteous, because righteousness means acting accordingly to the covenant you are in.

Most people reading the Bible do not get this.

The Bible is a covenantal book. You have to rightly divide it into covenants.

Christ lived during the transition until the testator died, but He introduced the Kingdom and its righteousness based on the New Covenant.

The tenants of the New Covenant iss love as I have loved you, and in this way you shall Know Me.

"Heb 8:10 — Heb 8:12
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”


The Covenants

The covenant with Noah is the first in the Bible [well some say Adam’s covenant], and it establishes the scope of God's plan for the whole earth, for it is the covenant with every living creature of all flesh. It starts with stating “I will not destroy all flesh again”, because what God had in mind also, was reconciling all things to Himself.

This is exactly why, there were four living creatures around the throne, the representatives [head] of everything ever created on the earth, saying a resounding said Amen to what was declared. Now pay attention to what they were saying “Amen” to:

"And every thing which  is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and  all things in them, I heard saying,  “To Him who sits on the  throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion  forever and ever.” 14 And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.”  And the elders fell down and worshiped"   Rev 5:13-14

How will God accomplish this? Through His covenants. All of the other covenants after Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, builds upon this first covenant and add details to the divine plan, on how will He nor destroy, but reconcile all this.

  • The Noahic Covenant establishes the Scope of the Reconciliation and Redemption - All Creation

  • The covenant with Abraham establishes the people THROUGH WHOM this divine plan will be established - The Seed [Israel/ Christ]. Please remember, the seed of Abraham, though in the natural was first physical but it was always Christ, and those of Him, who are the ambassadors of Christ with the word of reconciliation to the rest of the world. As the seed of Abraham, Please remember, the seed of Abraham, though in the natural was first physical but it was always Christ, and those of Him, who are the ambassadors of Christ with the word of reconciliation to the rest of the world. As the seed of Abraham, Jesus inherited the Nations, the Kingdom, that is, the Fruitful element of the Birthright given to Adam, to replenish the earth. From Joseph/ Ephraim, the new firstborn, comes the birthright (that is, who is the owner of the earth).

  • Later,  the covenant with Moses establishes the standard of righteousness to which all shall attain. In fact, through the eyes of Grace, not Law, The Ten Commandments under the Old Covenant can be seen as the Ten Promises of the New Covenant. They are promises that we will not murder, steal, or covet. In the New Covenant God takes upon Himself the responsibility to bring men into perfection. The law—including the very spirit and intent of the law—is prophetic of what our nature will show forth in that day. Through Christ, the law is indeed fulfilled in every way in us. WE will not be unrighteous. We will not be lawless.

  • The covenant with David establishes the throne--that is, it establishes who will RULE the Kingdom, the agency by which all creation would be set free. As a son of David, of the Tribe of Judah, the agency by which all creation would be set free. As a son of David, of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus inherited the Rulership of the Kingdom, the Dominion element of the Birthright given to Adam. From Judah, comes the chief ruler (1 Chron. 5:2). He is the rightful ruler of this world. He was given the "sure mercies of David" based on an everlasting NEW covenant (Isa 55:3, Acts 13:34). The Fruitful mandate was in turn delivered to the House of Joseph/Ephraim, that is the House of Israel, which is Christ. Christ repaired the breech and join both Houses in Himself and hence recovered both the right to have dominion and bear fruit upon the earth.

  • Finally,  the New Covenant was ratified by the blood of Christ on the cross to make all of the previous covenants possible and to redeem all of creation. It establishes where and how the Kingdom would be established; how can there be multiplication and fruitfulness [birthright language again], that is God finally receiving what He wanted from the Beginning, starting with a seed, where He is being fruitful, reproducing after His Image, producing the God Kind, everything after its own Kind.  Without the cross, all of the previous covenants would fail.

Now you know where Paul got this scripture from.

"For by Him  all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and  invisible, whether thrones or dominions--all things have been created by  Him and for Him. . . . and through Him to reconcile all things to  Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I  say, whether things on earth or things in heaven." [Col. 1:16-20]

The context of this great reconciliation tells us that the phrase “all things” means all that were created, whether in heaven or in earth. It was all created FOR HIM, and because He redeemed all that was lost in Adam, all things will indeed be given to Him in the end. That is the astounding plan of God for the earth.

It has all come together. The Dominion mandate, and the ability to bear fruit [Adam’s birthright], the scope of all of creation [Noah’s Covenant], inheriting the nations [Abrahamic Covenant], the One who earns the right to rule all creation and who sits on the Throne [David], who fulfills Righteousness and makes Righteous [Moses], redeeming, setting all creation free, establishing a new creation [New Covenant].

This is the Reconciliation and Restoration of All Things.

Brilliant Plan and Execution by God if I must say. I cannot help but also declare:

"And every thing which  is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and  all things in them, I heard saying,  “To Him who sits on the  throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion  forever and ever.” 14 And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.”  And the elders fell down and worshiped"   Rev 5:13-14



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