The Meaning of Life Part 8
The Meaning of Life - Answered
Let’s get straight to the point.
The Meaning of Life is simply this, that Life is pointless and meaningless in its current configuration.
The first step is to not fight it, give an excuse for it, respond with an intellectual, philosophical, emotional or religious “but...”. Just recognize the elephant in the room that in the long run, life, as we know it, under the sun is meaningless.
Don’t try to propose that wisdom, happiness, money, power, serving man, religion, or being a good person as candidates that will overcome the meaninglessness of life. You know they will all fall short.
Not everyone can be wise, happy, have money, power, be in a position to serve, and certainly there is no one who is good. The meaning of life must be universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact.
Don’t even try to suggest that the meaning of life is whatever meaning you create for it. That is foolish. All of life, all of creation, all that exists was subjected to vanity, to futility [Roms. 8:20]. There is no escape from within.
But the pointlessness, the futility of life is exactly the reason, the impetus to begin searching for and realizing that there exists a life NOT UNDER THE SUN, that can impregnate this life with meaning and hope.
There exists a Life that can overcome and obliterate the vanities that snuff out any permanent meaning in this life.
We can attain the meaning of life and be liberated from
Unfortunately some who have faced the elephant in the room staring at them may have decided to take matters into their own hands and kill themselves. Suicide or deciding “what the hell, I’ll do what I want” is not the proper response to the meaninglessness of life.
This brings us to the fuller definition of the meaning of life that is universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact.
To attain the meaning of life you must first embrace the reality that the point to this life is that it is futile, meaningless, and pointless in its current configuration.
Then you are qualified and ready to be influenced from a Life resourced from above, not under the sun, that will bring long lasting meaning and deliver you from bondage to all vanity and corruption.
No matter where you were born, whether you have great power or not, great wealth or not, great education or not, the greatest philanthropist or not, you are the happiest person or not, life ONLY has meaning when you are resourced with the Life from above to influence your life under the sun right now. This is why when we get a taste of some of its resources that influence us now - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith – they impact us so much and allow our life to have greater meaning.
So where is this Life not under the sun sourced from? Why, from the One True God Himself. So what is the point or goal that allows life to have meaning?
The point to life is to incarnate the life of God in us, God Himself dwelling in us, which will have the effect of swallowing up our corruption with His incorruption and our mortality with His immortality, so that full regeneration will take place where man retains a resurrected life with a resurrected body, fully matured sons of God, like a seed dying and growing into a tree, like a caterpillar growing into a butterfly. (Btw, the Point to life is to not get to heaven, it’s God dwelling on earth and transforming all creation upward). Let’s make this statement.
Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ making this a reality, all life is miserable and hopeless in the long term, that is with no hope of achieving the goal to be fully matured humans with the life of God with no hint of futility.
So let’s put it all together. Let’s look at it from man’s and creation’s point of view.
The point of ALL Reality
The Meaning of Life is available to all, where one must first embrace the reality that life is futile, meaningless, pointless in its current configuration, yet that recognition, is the pre-requisite to fulfill the point and goal of all of this, God producing after His own Kind. The point is to become fully matured sons and daughters of God out from this meaningless human state we find ourselves in, but necessary for the incarnation and regeneration.
Life has meaning in the journey towards reaching that goal in whatever state we find ourselves in. Life has meaning when you deliberately allow the resource of God’s Life from above this current configuration of futility, to change and influence your life right now, so that it can achieve its goal of fully regenerating you to be like Him, resulting in being fully imbibed with a resurrected life in a resurrected body. At the end of the day Life is about God Being All in All.
The whole point of Reality is God's intent to produce after His own Kind, and to LIVE WITH ALL OF HIS Kind. Christ was the First.
In doing so He creates all things, infuses His life in all things, filling all things until He becomes All in All and the visible realm is a full expression of Him. This is essentially Roms. 11:36, “For out of Him, through Him and Back to Him are all things”.
Let’s look at it from God’s point one view.
The Meaning of Life is available to all, where the Invisible God is making it His Goal to Dwell Visibly in very real way and totally attainable, in spite of the mess and futility in reality. To do this He impregnates and incarnates his life, to us below, so that it obliterates the futility that exists, but was necessary to regenerate creation energized by hope, to have Him Dwell. At the end of the day, Life is about God Being All in All.
This was also Solomon’s conclusion in [Eccl 11 & 12]. Continue your toil in life, cast your bread upon many waters, sow in the morning, don’t let your hands be idle in the evening, search for wisdom, enjoy life, serve your fellow man, if you have wealth, be wise about it, if you find yourself in a position of power, don’t lord over it, however many years a man may live, enjoy it all, even in the days of darkness, remember them for they will be ready, never live in the extremes, be too high or too low, but always remember your Creator, the one who is judging what we do and will bring everything we do into account, the One without whom there is no point or meaning to this life.
[Eccl 12:13 -14] “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”
In conclusion:
The Meaning of Life is to recognize the meaninglessness of all Life under the Sun if it is disconnected from the Life of God who intends to fully regenerate us to be exactly like Him. This is why when we get a taste of Him and His Divine Nature now in the form of - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith – they impact us so much and allow our life to have greater meaning.
The Point of All Reality is God producing after His Kind, and all life under the sun is pointless if disconnected from this reality.
Previous Blogs:
Let’s get straight to the point.
The Meaning of Life is simply this, that Life is pointless and meaningless in its current configuration.
The first step is to not fight it, give an excuse for it, respond with an intellectual, philosophical, emotional or religious “but...”. Just recognize the elephant in the room that in the long run, life, as we know it, under the sun is meaningless.
Don’t try to propose that wisdom, happiness, money, power, serving man, religion, or being a good person as candidates that will overcome the meaninglessness of life. You know they will all fall short.
Not everyone can be wise, happy, have money, power, be in a position to serve, and certainly there is no one who is good. The meaning of life must be universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact.

But the pointlessness, the futility of life is exactly the reason, the impetus to begin searching for and realizing that there exists a life NOT UNDER THE SUN, that can impregnate this life with meaning and hope.
There exists a Life that can overcome and obliterate the vanities that snuff out any permanent meaning in this life.
We can attain the meaning of life and be liberated from
- the certainty of Death,
- the rut of Time,
- from activity with no real progress, lack of true satisfaction,
- from the nagging feeling that there must be more to life than this,
- from the “Nothing is really Different” syndrome,
- from the seeming reality that “Nothing Lasts Forever” and
- finally from the problem of Evil/ Corruption.

This brings us to the fuller definition of the meaning of life that is universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact.
To attain the meaning of life you must first embrace the reality that the point to this life is that it is futile, meaningless, and pointless in its current configuration.
Then you are qualified and ready to be influenced from a Life resourced from above, not under the sun, that will bring long lasting meaning and deliver you from bondage to all vanity and corruption.
No matter where you were born, whether you have great power or not, great wealth or not, great education or not, the greatest philanthropist or not, you are the happiest person or not, life ONLY has meaning when you are resourced with the Life from above to influence your life under the sun right now. This is why when we get a taste of some of its resources that influence us now - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith – they impact us so much and allow our life to have greater meaning.
So where is this Life not under the sun sourced from? Why, from the One True God Himself. So what is the point or goal that allows life to have meaning?
The point to life is to incarnate the life of God in us, God Himself dwelling in us, which will have the effect of swallowing up our corruption with His incorruption and our mortality with His immortality, so that full regeneration will take place where man retains a resurrected life with a resurrected body, fully matured sons of God, like a seed dying and growing into a tree, like a caterpillar growing into a butterfly. (Btw, the Point to life is to not get to heaven, it’s God dwelling on earth and transforming all creation upward). Let’s make this statement.
Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ making this a reality, all life is miserable and hopeless in the long term, that is with no hope of achieving the goal to be fully matured humans with the life of God with no hint of futility.
So let’s put it all together. Let’s look at it from man’s and creation’s point of view.
The point of ALL Reality
The Meaning of Life is available to all, where one must first embrace the reality that life is futile, meaningless, pointless in its current configuration, yet that recognition, is the pre-requisite to fulfill the point and goal of all of this, God producing after His own Kind. The point is to become fully matured sons and daughters of God out from this meaningless human state we find ourselves in, but necessary for the incarnation and regeneration.
Life has meaning in the journey towards reaching that goal in whatever state we find ourselves in. Life has meaning when you deliberately allow the resource of God’s Life from above this current configuration of futility, to change and influence your life right now, so that it can achieve its goal of fully regenerating you to be like Him, resulting in being fully imbibed with a resurrected life in a resurrected body. At the end of the day Life is about God Being All in All.
The whole point of Reality is God's intent to produce after His own Kind, and to LIVE WITH ALL OF HIS Kind. Christ was the First.
In doing so He creates all things, infuses His life in all things, filling all things until He becomes All in All and the visible realm is a full expression of Him. This is essentially Roms. 11:36, “For out of Him, through Him and Back to Him are all things”.
Let’s look at it from God’s point one view.
The Meaning of Life is available to all, where the Invisible God is making it His Goal to Dwell Visibly in very real way and totally attainable, in spite of the mess and futility in reality. To do this He impregnates and incarnates his life, to us below, so that it obliterates the futility that exists, but was necessary to regenerate creation energized by hope, to have Him Dwell. At the end of the day, Life is about God Being All in All.
This was also Solomon’s conclusion in [Eccl 11 & 12]. Continue your toil in life, cast your bread upon many waters, sow in the morning, don’t let your hands be idle in the evening, search for wisdom, enjoy life, serve your fellow man, if you have wealth, be wise about it, if you find yourself in a position of power, don’t lord over it, however many years a man may live, enjoy it all, even in the days of darkness, remember them for they will be ready, never live in the extremes, be too high or too low, but always remember your Creator, the one who is judging what we do and will bring everything we do into account, the One without whom there is no point or meaning to this life.
[Eccl 12:13 -14] “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”
In conclusion:
The Meaning of Life is to recognize the meaninglessness of all Life under the Sun if it is disconnected from the Life of God who intends to fully regenerate us to be exactly like Him. This is why when we get a taste of Him and His Divine Nature now in the form of - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith – they impact us so much and allow our life to have greater meaning.
The Point of All Reality is God producing after His Kind, and all life under the sun is pointless if disconnected from this reality.
Previous Blogs:
- Meaning of Life Part 1 - The Contenders
- Meaning of Life Part 2 - The Meaninglessness
- Meaning of Life Part 3 - Wisdom is the Meaning of Life
- Meaning of Life Part 4 - Happiness is the Meaning of Life
- Meaning of Life Part 5 - Money can add Meaning to Life
- Meaning of Life Part 5b - Status and Power gives Life Meaning
- Meaning of Life Part 6 - To Serve Others is the Meaning of Life
- Meaning of Life Part 7 - Just Be Good is the Meaning of Life
- Meaning of Life Part 8 - The Answer
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