Will Everyone Be Made Alive in Christ?

Christ as the Savior of all men, upholds the Cross, and the Cross is shown to be much More Powerful than what anyone one of us think.


The Cross’ Universal Impact involves a Death and then a Living Work.

First the Death Work of the Cross

- All men have sinned and fall short [Rom 3:23] - universal
- First Known Judgment - In Adam all die [1 Cor. 15:22] - universal
- The Cross then executed the Kosmos Death Defying Final Judgment - But In Christ all died [2 Cor 5:14] - universal
- Final Judgment from God’s Supreme Court - But In Christ all died (not just the elect, not just the church, not just believers) [2 Cor 5:14] - universal
- In Christ all things reconciled whether in heaven, or on earth, by making peace on the cross [Col 1:19-20; 2 Cor 5:19] - universal [all things does not mean "Christians" or Israel only; reconciliation removes sin and death as the barrier of entry, starts, guarantees but does not complete the process of salvation]
- If In Adam all died (and subsequently in Christ all died), In Christ all (who also died first in Adam and then in Him) ) shall be made alive [1 Cor 15:23] - universal (each in his own order; faith is needed)
- yet now all are NOT alive right now [2 Cor 5:14] (Non-universal in time)


So almost everyone agrees that All men die when Adam died. The Cross according to Paul's crazy conclusion based on love in 2 Cor 5:14, that when Christ the ONE died, ALL MEN DIED. [Paul himself said it was his crazy conclusion if you read it)

So we are at the point where all men do not yet live. I think we can agree with that. But the Cross set everything in motion when Christ caused all men to die and be crucified when He died. The question is, will all live or not?

The Living Work of the Cross

- How will all be made alive if All do not Live now, but ALL died in Him?

First there is the Lower Level Court Judgement of the Lake of Fire, BASED ON WORKS. Remember, Works is the only criteria. “The dead were judged according to what they had done”. We are not saved by works. But remember, this lower level Judgement is not higher than and is subjected to the Final court Judgement which was the Cross, where all men died in Christ.

- How will all be made alive?- All men raised - some to life and some to condemnation [John 5:28-29] (universal raising - every man raised)
- Yet all men would be seasoned with fire [Mark 9:49] - universal
- In Christ all subject under his feet [1 Cor 15:27-28] - universal less One (All except God the father)
- In Christ every knee worship, every tongue swears (what the Father swore) that Jesus is Lord (that is all men on, Above or Under the earth) [Phil 2:10] - universal
- In Christ all creation set free [Rom 8:21]- universal
- Out of Him, through Him and back to Him are all things [Rom 11:36]- universal <-- Note this scripture
- In the fullness of time, Christ is and will be the sum of all things gathered in Heaven and Earth [Col 1:10] - universal
- God all in all [1 Cor. 15:28] - universal

The scripture clearly states that everyone will be raised - some to life, and some to condemnation.. yet it says that every knee will bow, every tongue confess, that ALL THINGS GO BACK TO HIM, that in the fullness of the ages that Christ is and will be the sum of all things... and that God will be all in all.

How is that possible if the wicked is cast into the lake of Fire [Note the lake of fire is NOT hell... it is the Lake of Fire]

Remember the judgment of the Lake of Fire is NOT A HIGHER JUDGMENT that the one at the Cross.

The Lake of Fire's judgment is based on Works. The Cross is based in Christ's work.
Here is what the Bible says

1. Those who refuse to believe and be made alive, will experience the pain of the seasoning. They will be hurt by this second death.

2. The Lake of Fire is [the fire baptism of] Christ. God is the consuming fire. Hosea says God is Death' and Hades' destruction "“I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction! Pity is hidden from My eyes.”" [Hosea 13:!4].

So if God is Death and Hades destruction, and if we read Death and Hades were both cast into the Lake of Fire, guess what that means? Let's explore some more.

3. The Lake of fire starts from God's throne as a river, a stream from the thron [Dan 7:9-10]
"His throne was a fiery flame,
Its wheels a burning fire;
A fiery stream issued
And came forth from before Him.
A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
The court[b] was seated,
And the books were opened.
" <---- This actually occurred in AD 70 when David, Daniel and all the firstfruit arose.

So it starts as a river and became a lake. Guess what else starts at the throne? The river of life. So either there are two rivers from the throne (water and fire) or just one and the same.

4. The Lake of Fire was actually Heaven's Lake of Molten Brass, the actual Brazen Laver in front of the throne. The earthly one, in Solomon's temple was made when the women melted the mirrors to make the Brazen Laver, used to rush the priest of all the filth before entering. That is why the Lake of Fire was referred to the Sea of Molten Brass. It is God's purification bath.

5. Finally the Lake of Fire is NOT the second death of the devil and his angels. It was originally to be their death. It still remains their own death.

6. Man was rescued from the LoF being his only death when God kicked man out of Eden, baring access to the tree of life. If Man had eaten of the tree of life, in his fallen state, he would be permanently hosed, just like the devil and his angels.

7. What is most profound is that we see those cast into the Lake of Fire were found on the NEW EARTH. There are wicked people on the New Earth. They are located outside the city of Jerusalem, but remember, there is a tree of life for the healing of nations. Now why after all that jazz, create a new heavens and earth to put wicked people back on it. Hmmmmm...

So the Lake of Fire is not the final end...   Daniel says the Lake of fire starts from the throne as a fiery stream, and then the wicked are found on the new earth, with an offer from the Spirit and the Bride to come and eat of the tree of life and be healed. Note the Spirit does not need to eat and be healed. The Bride does not need to eat and be healed. And Christ certainly does not need to eat and be healed.

So the Lake of Fire is not the final end... ONLY CHRIST is the Beginning and the End.  All that was in the Beginning was Christ.  All that will be in the End will be Christ.  Only God all in all is the End.  Only Christ the sum of all things will be the End.



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