Issue of the Soul and Resurrection

Simply put, A soul is a living being. A soul is always a combination of two things: body plus breath/ spirit. A soul does not begin to exist unless body and breath are combined. God's Word teaches that we are souls.

The Biblical definition of a soul is simply a living breathing body.


Actually no where it says we were given a soul.

A soul is not something a person has per se, it is the essence of person. It is the person. We are not immortal apart from Christ.

Before resurrection The bible says at death the breath of life goes back to God and the body returns to the earth by decomposing back into the "dust" it was made of.

So the soul "disappears" (I don't mean extinct or annihilated)... it goes to the Unseen. The reason why I don't use extinct or annihilated is because God knows how to bring it back, or redeem it from the "unseen".

Lev 17:11 "The life [nephesh/ soul] of a body is in its blood"

So from a PHYSICAL/ Earthly point of view, the breath/ spirit is in the lungs, the soul is in the blood, and you have a body.

From a Spiritual/Heavenly/ Cosmic point of view, wherever the spirit is, it belongs to God, your soul goes to unseen realm (Sheol) and your body goes to dust.

<<------ See what I did with Heaven and Earth also lol.
(NOTE: Sheol is not Grave or Tomb. That's erroneous. A tomb or Grave is individual. Sheol is corporate. It's two different Hebrew words anyway,)

This was BEFORE the Cross and before AD 70.

When Christ resurrected His soul was redeemed from Sheol.

At AD 70, the souls of the OT saints and the NT converts broke from Sheol also..... the greatest Alcatraz

This was the point of resurrection -> Rescue soul from the UNSEEN, and made incorruptible, with a Spiritual Body, animated by the Spirit of God.


Now AFTER the Cross and after AD 70, when believers die, the soul no longer goes down to Hades. It is not lost, or unseen. The gates of Hades shall not prevail.

The cross is so powerful that when Christ died all men died, all things reconciled, but all are not yet made alive.

So Unbelievers' souls are still lost, since they are not yet made alive, and did not agree to aionos life. Aionos Life is a pre-requisite to immortal life.

Resurrection to Life ensures your soul is not LOST/ Apollumi/ Runied/ Destroyed.

It does so, by first having your spirit made alive by God's Spirit (aionos/ eternal life), and then clothed in a new body (immortal life)...

(Aionos Life is not necessary Immortal Life, but it is a pre-requiste for Immortal Life).

Full complete bodily resurrection means we are raised NOT Flesh and Blood (corrupted, decayed soul) or from that previous constitution, but with Spiritual Body, where corruption was swallowed up by in-corruption and mortality swallowed up by immortality,

We ate His Flesh and Drank His Blood to become [eventually] Immortal with a Spiritual Body. Can't become immortal without Christ.

Sorry for the long answer, but this is as biblical as I can get.


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