
Showing posts from 2017

Christ's Life is the Light of All men

Christ is Life. He that has the Son has Life and He that has not the Son has not Life. Yet, "In Him we live move and have our being" was a poem to Zeus that Paul quoted, to show that "the Him" is not Zeus but God. So yes in Christ all things consist. Yet not everyone is tapping into that life. Some have the Spirit and some do not. Some even have unclean spirits "For He said to him, “Come out of the man, unclean spirit!”" Some raised to life, some to condemnation. BUT that does not mean all will not have Life in the end. But for now not everyone has the Spirit. Christ is the Beginning and the End.. another way of saying this is All that was in the Beginning is Christ, all that is in the End is Christ. Also, Paul said "For out of Him, through Him and ****Back to Him**** are all things" [Rom 11:36] So all things are destined to go back to Him. Paul said it differently in Epjh 1:9 - 10. He called it the mystery of His will or the ages. The pur

The Meaning of Life Part 8

The Meaning of Life - Answered Let’s get straight to the point.  The Meaning of Life is simply this, that Life is pointless and meaningless in its current configuration.  The first step is to not fight it, give an excuse for it, respond with an intellectual, philosophical, emotional or religious “but...”. Just recognize the elephant in the room that in the long run, life, as we know it, under the sun is meaningless. Don’t try to propose that wisdom, happiness, money, power, serving man, religion, or being a good person as candidates that will overcome the meaninglessness of life . You know they will all fall short.   Not everyone can be wise, happy, have money, power, be in a position to serve, and certainly there is no one who is good. The meaning of life must be universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact.   Don’t even try to suggest that the meaning of life is whatever meaning you create for it. That is foolish. All of life, all of creation, all that exists

The Meaning of Life Part 7

The Meaning of Life Part 7 - Just Be Good. Just Be Spiritual We have covered the various candidates for the meaning of life – wisdom [knowledge/ education], pleasure [happiness], wealth [power], life of servic e – and while each will bring some meaning, we have found each ultimately wanting .  Perhaps the meaning of life is just to be a good person, or perhaps to be religious, pious, spiritual, even to find God. [Eccl 7:27-8:1] “27 "Look," says the Teacher, "this is what I have discovered: "Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things- 28 while I was still searching but not finding- I found one [upright] man among a thousand, but not one [upright] woman among them all. 29 This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes."  It would be nice to really be able to find upright ethical people wherever we go as the norm and not the exception. If that were so, perhaps life would not be

The Meaning of Life Part 6

The Meaning of Life Part 6 - In Serving Others Do I Attain the Meaning of Life? “ Co-operation…makes it happen, Co-operation… working together… dig it!” .  For some of you that took you back to memory lane, didn’t it.  It is true though that something about not being alone, just being a help to others, or devoting yourself to the service and betterment of your fellow man brings life in perspective and certainly adds meaning to one’s life.  Even Solomon agrees. In [Eccl 4:7-12], he rei nforced that it is not good for man to be alone or to be isolated in his life. Man was created to be in a community, a family. He gave the example of a man who neither had a son nor a brother but was feverishly working night and day. That man was not content with wealth. Something was missing. Solomon predictably concluded that this was pointless. His main question was “ For whom am I toiling and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” That was a very good question. His conclusion?

The Meaning of Life Part 5b

The Meaning of Life Part 5b - Musing From Ecclesiastes Does Status Give You Meaning in Your Life? • A lot of folks will instantly agree that h aving power is not the meaning of life, that is, finding yourself in a position of power or status will not ultimately make your life more meaningful. But in reality, what is said outwardly may not be a reality inwardly. Think of the time someone told you to do something, anything that you felt was a command or you had no choice in the matter - “Get this pencil!”, “Type this report!”, “Grab this!”, “Take your shoes off and make sure there is nothing in your pockets” (those who travel will recognize the TSA barking commands syndrome).  Tell me which of you don’t feel a slight twinge on the inside, even when you are forced to comply, “Who is this person telling me what to do”, “Look at her, she feel she is better than everyone else”, or “Don’t they know I work for more money that you” . This is your internal register going bonkers when you f

The Meaning of Life Part 5a

The Meaning of Life Part 5a - Musing From Ecclesiastes Surely Having a little money adds meaning to life.... Right??? Money may not be able to buy happiness but it can buy everything else right? Perhaps money can add more meaning to life. Solomon is ready to experiment. He is now trying to ascertain if acquiring wealth will give life meaning. – [Eccl 2:8-9] “8 I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I acquired men and women singers, and a harem as well-the delights of the heart of man. 9 I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me.” Who would not want to amass silver and gold for themselves? I remember when the lottery was an outrageous US 400 million. Staunch believers, who fervently were against gambling, were cold sweating. Some sheepishly and ruefully posted on facebook that they had to "try ah ting". Yep the lure for wealth does that.  How many times have we