The Meaning of Life Part 4

The Meaning of Life Part 4 - Musing From Ecclesiastes Isn't the Meaning of Life is to Find Happiness and To Do What Brings You Pleasure? Is doing what makes you happy the secret to the meaning of life? Is the ultimate goal in life to be happy? In America the mantra is the pursuit of happiness. Bhutan, a very small nation was named the happiest place on earth (or at least in Asia). It measures a Gross National Happiness Index as a productive output rather than the normal national economic index of a GDP. Its previous king espouses that the ultimate goal in life is to be happy ( See "The Happiest Place on Earth" ). Interestingly he constructed happiness as a key performance indicator of his government’s reforms. Solomon also wanted to know if happiness and engaging in every sort of pleasure brings meaning to life. He experienced wisdom, so now he was determine to experience every pleasure he can. After all he is philosopher who appreciates th...