The Four Living Creatures and Covenants Part 2

Summary I think what is missing from most bible discussions is an understanding that the Bible is about covenants... When you are reading scripture you have to divide it based on the covenant you are in. You have to rightly divide it. The Old Testament contains the following covenants: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David. So God response to Abraham lying that Sarah was his sister is different to as in Moses. You have to know what are the terms of the covenant to understand why God responded like that. The Old Testament is NOT the Old Covenant. The New Testament is also not all the New Covenant. In the New Testament when Christ was on the earth before he died, the old Covenant was still inforced. Hence he taught that no one should teach reneging on the law until the law was fulfilled But Christ begun to introduce the tenants of the New Covenant which was the constitution of the coming Kingdom. Like as in a election in the US, when there is a new regime, the old is still a...