
Showing posts from 2018

Will Everyone Be Made Alive in Christ?

Christ as the Savior of all men, upholds the Cross, and the Cross is shown to be much More Powerful than what anyone one of us think. ------------------------------------ The Cross’ Universal Impact involves a Death and then a Living Work. First the Death Work of the Cross - All men have sinned and fall short [Rom 3:23] - universal - First Known Judgment - In Adam all die [1 Cor. 15:22] - universal - The Cross then executed the Kosmos Death Defying Final Judgment - But In Christ all died [2 Cor 5:14] - universal - Final Judgment from God’s Supreme Court - But In Christ all died (not just the elect, not just the church, not just believers) [2 Cor 5:14] - universal - In Christ all things reconciled whether in heaven, or on earth, by making peace on the cross [Col 1:19-20; 2 Cor 5:19] - universal [all things does not mean "Christians" or Israel only; reconciliation removes sin and death as the barrier of entry, starts, guarantees but does not complete the process of sa