
Showing posts from August, 2017

Christ's Life is the Light of All men

Christ is Life. He that has the Son has Life and He that has not the Son has not Life. Yet, "In Him we live move and have our being" was a poem to Zeus that Paul quoted, to show that "the Him" is not Zeus but God. So yes in Christ all things consist. Yet not everyone is tapping into that life. Some have the Spirit and some do not. Some even have unclean spirits "For He said to him, “Come out of the man, unclean spirit!”" Some raised to life, some to condemnation. BUT that does not mean all will not have Life in the end. But for now not everyone has the Spirit. Christ is the Beginning and the End.. another way of saying this is All that was in the Beginning is Christ, all that is in the End is Christ. Also, Paul said "For out of Him, through Him and ****Back to Him**** are all things" [Rom 11:36] So all things are destined to go back to Him. Paul said it differently in Epjh 1:9 - 10. He called it the mystery of His will or the ages. The pur