The Meaning of Life Part 8

The Meaning of Life - Answered Let’s get straight to the point. The Meaning of Life is simply this, that Life is pointless and meaningless in its current configuration. The first step is to not fight it, give an excuse for it, respond with an intellectual, philosophical, emotional or religious “but...”. Just recognize the elephant in the room that in the long run, life, as we know it, under the sun is meaningless. Don’t try to propose that wisdom, happiness, money, power, serving man, religion, or being a good person as candidates that will overcome the meaninglessness of life . You know they will all fall short. Not everyone can be wise, happy, have money, power, be in a position to serve, and certainly there is no one who is good. The meaning of life must be universal and attainable by all with long lasting impact. Don’t even try to suggest that the meaning of life is whatever meaning you create for it. That is foolish. All of life, all of creati...