Christ Was a Trans Also.... Addressing Transgender Issues under the New Covenant

We are all aware of the principle that God made man male and female, in the image of God Himself. So how do we properly address the fact that there are Transgender people, people who feel they are born with a different gender from what they were born with. This note is also meant to address someone who comes to your church, or Kingdom Community, who says they feel this way, but have not yet acted on it and are conflicted. Or Perhaps you have a friend who also feel this way and don't know what to do. What sort of practical advice can you give him/ her? What are the practical principles and steps that can be applied to deal with this conflict? We Need to Be Redemptive, Like Christ. First let’s be clear. Christians need to more redemptive than full of condemnation. We must not go about condemning everything that is different and all things we do not agree with. Too many believers have an accusatory and condemning spirit, lacking proper judgment. We should...