THE DATING of THE BOOK of REVELATION Dr. Cindye Coates We are about to see why it is essential to interpret Scripture with Scripture vs. interpreting Scripture with Heresy & Traditions. With the dating of Revelation, we establish the true historical prospective. If we date it early, you have its fulfillment with God's judgment on the Old Covenant Israel. If we date it late, we have every man's idea. So dating plays a very important part in its interpretation. There are differences of opinion as to when this book was written. These can be summed up as the "late date" and the "early date" theories. First, we'll cover the late date theory. Then we'll examine the facts which support the early date theory. The Late Date Theory Those who hold to the “late date," have Revelation written during the time of Domitian Caesar (AD 95-96). This date is determined by the following statement by Irenaeus (AD 130 to AD 202), as quoted by Eusebius, the c...