
Showing posts from July, 2012

At a Unbeliever's Funeral-Shall I say He is Going to Hell

I just read an interesting post at   "What's Never said at Funerals-But Christians Are Thinking About It" The author is right. We do pussyfoot around the issue about attending funeral of unbelievers, with no one daring to say that they will be going to "Hell". He makes the point that this is exactly what will happen.  Well in a sense he is right (except that Hell will be cast into the lake of Fire, so Hell and the lake of Fire are two separate entities). But to play devil's advocate, why do little kids or babies get a free pass.If everyone is born in sin, they are all born in sin.  Unfortunately our traditional theology has no answer for this. Fortunately we have the Word of God which is not limited by man's theology or traditions. This article confuses some different concepts. The following is never taught by traditional preacher